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UNHCR, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați, și Oficiul Avocatului Poportului, Ombudsmanul Republicii Moldova, își unesc forțele pentru a susține și promova drepturile omului în cazul refugiaților și comunităților gazdă

UNHCR, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați, și Oficiul Avocatului Poportului, Ombudsmanul Republicii Moldova, își unesc forțele pentru a susține și promova drepturile omului în cazul refugiaților și comunităților gazdă

Chișinău, Moldova, 24 august 2022: UNHCR, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați a semnat recent un nou acord cu Oficiul Avocatului Poporului din Republica Moldova pentru a-și consolida colaborarea în sprijinul drepturilor omului în cazul refugiaților și alte persoane aflate în mandatul UNHCR în țară. Acest acord se bazează pe angajamentul existent al Ombudsmanului de a oferita asistență pe probleme de protecție a refugiaților, inclusiv monitorizarea drepturilor și formarea autorităților relevante.

„Sunt încântată să consolidez acest parteneriat important cu un avocat-cheie al drepturilor omului în Republica Moldova”, a declarat Francesca Bonelli, Reprezentanta UNHCR în Republica Moldova. „Sprijinul UNHCR, pe lângă expertiza deja notabilă a Ombudsmanului, va ajuta la îmbunătățirea înțelegerii noastre colective asupra drepturilor omului în acest răspuns umanitar și asupra modului în care putem răspunde împreună atât când e vorba despre refugiații veniți din Ucraina, cât și comunitățile gazdă.”

Ca un semn concret al angajamentului lor aprofundat față de răspunsul la criza refugiaților, Oficiul Ombudsmanului a fost de acord să co-prezideze Grupul de lucru pentru protecție al Forumului de coordonare pentru refugiați (RCF). RCF este un organism comun de coordonare condus de Guvernul Moldovei și UNHCR, care reunește actori umanitari din țară – inclusiv agențiile ONU, societatea civilă, omologii guvernamentali naționali, autoritățile locale, sectorul privat, organizațiile conduse de refugiați și altele – să coopereze în menținerea și îmbunătățirea răspunsului umanitar față de refugiații veniți din Ucraina și comunitățile gazdă.

„Cu certitudine, acest parteneriat de colaborare aduce o valoare adăugată Oficiului Avocatului Poporului pentru a consolida capacitățile de protecție și promovare a drepturilor refugiaților pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova și mă bucur că împreună UNHCR și Oficiul Avocatului Poporului pot contribui la realizarea protecției și respectarea drepturilor refugiaților, inclusiv a celor care au nevoie de protecție internațională”, a declarat Ceslav Panico, Avocatul Poporului Republicii Moldova.

Republica Moldova a primit aproape 536.000 de persoane venite din Ucraina, iar în prezent găzduiește peste 92.000 de refugiați veniți din țara vecină. Un număr substanțial dintre cei care rămân în Moldova sunt femei, copii și refugiați vârstnici, care adesea au nevoie de un sprijin special pentru a avea acces la serviciile necesare.

Refugiații sunt oamenii care nu au avut de ales, decât să își părăsească țările de origine sau de reședință pentru a evita persecuția și pentru a-și salva viețile. Nu aveau alte opțiuni decât să caute refugiu în alte țări precum Moldova, care oferă refugiaților un loc sigur, până la găsirea unei soluții pe termen lung.

Italy supporting the refugee response in Moldova through UNHCR

Italy supporting the refugee response in Moldova through UNHCR

Chisinau, Moldova, 20 September 2022: – Italy, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, today handed over various equipment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova (MIA) to support the government’s response to the refugee emergency from Ukraine. Since the start of the refugee crisis in Ukraine due to the ongoing armed conflict, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has mobilized its workforce, to ensure the efficient, safe and humane management of the massive refugee inflows. It has adjusted its legislative framework to ensure border crossing points operate non-stop with maximum use of its infrastructure. Furthermore, the government with the support of UNHCR and the international community is taking firm steps toward enacting temporary protection measures for refugees. An act that will ensure a legal and safe stay of displaced people seeking safety in the country. Ensuring safe and dignified crossing of refugees to our territory is a commitment that we honour” said Ana Revenco, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova. “The support of our international friends such as Italy and UNHCR add to our effort to improve our capacity and preparedness to respond when needed”. The donated equipment which includes vehicles, power generators, computers, and office equipment will be used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to strengthen their mobility and increase their monitoring capacity. With a contribution of over USD10M, Italy supports the refugee response in Moldova in addition to boosting the government’s social protection capacity for the benefit of displaced people and local communities as well. “Since the beginning of the ongoing war, Italy has been supporting Moldova, both financially and in kind, in its efficient management of the Refugees flow from Ukraine”. Said Lorenzo Tomassoni, The Ambassador of Italy in Moldova. “I commend the people of Moldova for their hospitality and Moldovan Institutions, starting with Border Police, for their sense of duty. We are very satisfied with our cooperation with the UNHCR, which is making the best out of our 10 million euros funding. It’s not only the vehicles donated today to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor the monthly cash assistance provided to over 80.000 Refugees. I am also referring to the crucial expertise that is helping Moldova to rapidly shape its legislation on Temporary Protection in compliance with EU standards, thus contributing to the strategic goal of EU accession.” UNHCR is bolstering its capacity in Moldova, extending international support to the refugees, and providing much-needed humanitarian supplies through the government of the Republic of Moldova. “Italy is amongst UNHCR’s top donors in Moldova,”, said Francesca Bonelli, the UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Moldova. “We are thankful for the generous support provided to the government and people of Moldova who exhibited remarkable hospitality for refugees since the start of the crisis.” As of 15 September, over 608,694 refugees from Ukraine entered Moldova. The majority have moved on to other European countries, with some 90,655 still generously hosted in the country.

UN welcomes and supports initiative to fast-track transfer of people fleeing Ukraine to Romania through Moldova

UN welcomes and supports initiative to fast-track transfer of people fleeing Ukraine to Romania through Moldova

Chisinau, 10 March 2022 – The Moldovan and Romanian Governments, supported by the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration, IOM have set in place the transfer of people who fled Ukraine, including third-country nationals, from southern Moldova to Romania, a journey of some 230 kilometers. The first convoy departed the Palanca border crossing point this morning, transporting 250 refugees to Husi in Romania.

As of 10 March, over 300,000 people have fled Ukraine into Mold

ova with 83,000 refugees staying in the country. Many more may come should the situation in the southwest of Ukraine deteriorate.

The Government of Romania is generously stepping forward in solidarity with the Republic of Moldova, to support them in managing the reception of those refugees fleeing Ukraine in huge numbers.

“We are grateful to the Governments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, and all countries neighboring Ukraine for their rapid response and generosity,” said Lars Johan Lonnback, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Moldova.

“The number one priority is to ensure that all those fleeing the war have protection, shelter, basic needs, and support services, including psychosocial assistance. Safe onward transport will ensure crowds do not build up at border crossings putting added pressure on the existing infrastructure and will help protect women and girls from the risks of human trafficking and gender-based violence” he added.

UNHCR and IOM in Romania are providing eight buses to transfer the refugees between the Border Crossing Points of Palanca in Moldova and Albite in Romania, where the Moldovan and Romanian Border Police will carry out crossing formalities.

The final stop will be in the Romanian town of Husi, where the Romanian Department for Emergency Situations has organized a transit facility. From there the refugees will be transferred to other locations in Romania, according to their respective needs.

“This is a commendable initiative and an excellent demonstration of solidarity

with the people and Government of the Republic of Moldova and also reflects the excellent collaboration with the Romanian authorities to address pressing challenges”, said Roland Schilling, UNHCR Representative for Central Europe.

“The initiative of the two countries is very much in line with the global commitments outlined in the Global Compact on Refugees, for equitable responsibility sharing, which UNHCR has always been advocating for” he added.

IOM and UNHCR are also in discussion with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova about the opening of new crossing points between Ukraine and Moldova and are sourcing mobile document readers to ensure people are registered upon arrival in Moldova, prior to onward movement, and to ensure that their needs are met.

For further information please contact

In Chisinau:

Joe Lowry, IOM regional spokesperson on +373 6869 7118, [email protected]

Kisut Gebre Egziabher on +373 677 22468, [email protected]

In Bucharest:

Lucien Stirb, Communication Officer on +40 747 223 993, [email protected]

Gabriela Leu, Communications Associate on +40 722 212 097, [email protected]

In Brussels:

Ryan Schroeder, Regional Media, and Communication officer on +32485597348, [email protected]

In Geneva:

Safa Msehli, [email protected] +41794035526

Louise Donovan, [email protected] +41767680010
World Refugee Day marked with music and art exhibition in Chisinau

World Refugee Day marked with music and art exhibition in Chisinau

World Refugee Day was marked on Tuesday in Chisinau with an art exhibition and a concert given by several artists from Moldova and Ukraine. Among the performers were Pasha Parfeni and Adrian Ursu from Moldova and  saxophonist Igor Znatokov and singer Olga Gornyh from Ukraine. Olesya Shevchenko, the wife of His Excellency the Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova, gave an enthralling performance in Romanian,  sending a message of gratitude to the Moldovans for hosting  Ukrainians in their time of need.

The event was organised by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) at the National Museum of History and brought together Ministers, Ambassadors, heads of UN and international agencies  as well as Ukrainians fleeing the war who have found safety in Moldova. Among them was Anastasia Ciorninkaia, who spoke about the suffering her compatriots have gone through and thanked Moldovans for their hospitality: „We were living in our homes, we were safe, drinking tea, making plans for the future, but one day at 5 am we heard an explosion, a terrible sound that changed our lives forever”, Anastasia said, adding, “Thousands of us left our homes and crossed the border into Moldova. You met us at border, fed us, sheltered us. I promise from this stage that I will pass on to the next generations how you helped us!”.

Francesca Bonelli, UNHCR representative in Moldova, also expressed her gratitude to the people and government of the Republic of Moldova, donors, humanitarian partners and all others who helped respond to the refugee crisis. “In my few months in the Republic of Moldova, I have witnessed the great hospitality Moldovans have accorded to refugees. And I discovered that this is rooted in the CASA MARE tradition which reserves the best room in the house for guests,” Ms. Bonelli appealed for increased international support for refugees and the local population.

The event was also attended by Marcel Spatari Minister of Labour and Social Protection and Jana Costachi, State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The two senior officials commended the efforts of all those involved in responding to the refugee crisis. „The greatest credit goes not to the Ministry, not to the Government, but to the community and volunteers. Today, more than 95% of refugees are hosted by Moldovan families or have found housing on their own. We can have the best ministers, the best development partners, the best action plans, but we won’t achieve anything if we don’t have the most important thing of all – Peace!” Mr. Spatari said.

The head of the Joint Refugee Crisis Management Cell, Colonel Adrian Efros, said that since February more than half a million Ukrainian refugees have transited through Moldova and more than 80 thousand were still in the country, half of them children.

According to Colonel Efros, more than 100 Ukrainian babies were born in the Republic of Moldova since February and more than 6,000 children have been enrolled in schools.

World Refugee Day was first celebrated on 20 June 2001 and was created by the United Nations to honour refugees around the world. Each year, the event celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to leave their homeland to stay alive because of conflicts or persecution. While it is important to protect and improve the lives of refugees every day, World Refugee Day helps focus global attention on the plight of these people and creates opportunities to support them. Currently, more than 85 thousand refugees are in the Republic of Moldova, including more than 80,000 Ukrainians and more than 3,700 people from other nationalities.

For further information, please contact:

Kisut Gebreegziabher

Communicatios Officer & Spokesperson

UNHCR Moldova
Mobile: +37367722468

WhatsApp: +254712856340

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador MIYAVI calls for increased support as he concluded visit to Moldova

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador MIYAVI calls for increased support as he concluded visit to Moldova

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: -The UN Refugee Agency’s Goodwill Ambassador and Japanese artist MIYAVI concluded his three-day visit to the Republic of Moldova with a call for increased international support to Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan families who have welcomed them with open arms.

The renowned musician, actor and philanthropist visited three centres accommodating refugees and listened to their stories. He toured facilities providing key services to refugees, including UNHCR’s cash enrolment centre   where refugees have been issued with pre-paid cards of $US120 per person per month.

“I’m saddened, impressed and mesmerized by the stories of challenge, resilience and hope that the refugees have shared with me”, MIYAVI said, adding “My mission as the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador is to share these stories with the rest of the world and appeal for increased support for Moldova, a small country with a big heart, so that it can continue to support the refugees.”

Mr.Sergiu Odainic, General State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, briefed him about the support that Moldova has been extending to refugees and the gaps that need to be filled.  MIYAVI said that he was captivated by the overwhelming solidarity Moldovans have shown to refugees which he described as “a great example.” He reiterated his resolve to advocate on behalf of Moldova and the refugees under its care.

The star guitarist later met with UNHCR’s national and international partners, including a local NGO – Moldova for Peace which mobilized thousands of volunteers and mounted a spontaneous response at the onset of the refugee crisis. With UNHCR’s support, the NGO is setting up a community center providing safe space and services to vulnerable refugee women.

The highlight of his visit was a music session with children from Moldova as well as from Ukraine, Syria, Turkey and Iran who played violin, guitar and piano, sang and danced with him, brining much needed smiles to their faces.

Francesca Bonelli, the UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Moldova, thanked MIYAVI for visiting Moldova to see the situation for himself and to advocate on behalf of refugees and Moldovans. “I am incredibly impressed by MIYAVI’s capacity to using the power of music to advocate for refugees and help mobilize more support for Moldova”.

By allowing over 500,000 refugees to enter the country, Moldova has received one of the highest number of refugees per 10,000 inhabitants in the region. More than 86,000 of them are still in the country, mostly accommodated by Moldovan families.

UNHCR, the government of Moldova and 40 organizations have recently launched an inter-agency response plan appealing for USD $414.2 million to help refugees and vulnerable Moldovan host families until the end of the year. To date, only 27% of the financial requirements have been met.

For further information, please contact:

Kisut Gebreegziabher

Communicatios Officer & Spokesperson

UNHCR Moldova
Mobile: +37367722468

WhatsApp: +254712856340

UNHCR, the Government of Moldova and partners launch a joint plan to support refugees from Ukraine and their hosts

UNHCR, the Government of Moldova and partners launch a joint plan to support refugees from Ukraine and their hosts

Moldova-Chisinau,-In response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the UN family in Moldova and partners today launched the Inter Agency Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for Moldova, appealing for sustained financial support to help refugees and Moldovan families generously hosting them.

A key objective of the response plan is to provide a coordinated support to government-led efforts to address the protection and lifesaving needs of refugees and third country nationals (TCNs) who fled the war in Ukraine. This will include the facilitation of appropriate solutions and support to vulnerable host communities.

UNHCR and partners are seeking USD $414.2 million to support a projected 1 million refugees that could potentially arrive in the Republic of Moldova until the end of the year. Since 24 February, more than 475,000 refugees have entered Moldova and over 90,000 them, including TCNs, are currently in the country requiring mid to long-term support and solutions.

The RRP focuses on key sectors, including protection, basic needs, health and nutrition, education, livelihoods and inclusion, logistics, supply, and telecoms. Transitional cash assistance, which has already been provided to more than 54,000 refugees and 10,500 host families, is a key priority in providing dignified assistance to both communities.

“The government remains steadfast in its commitment to keep its borders open for all those fleeing the war in Ukraine and to facilitate border crossing and reception”, said Colonel Adrian Efros, head of the Government’s Single Crisis Management Centre. “But our capacity is overstretched, and we count on the international community to increase its support so that we can be more capacitated to continue to help refugees and vulnerable host communities”.

The plan is launched in the context of the continued fighting, massive destruction of civil infrastructure and displacement inside Ukraine. One third of the country’s population has been displaced, including 8 million people within the country and some 6.6 million refugee crossings to neighboring countries.

Francesca Bonelli, UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Moldova, thanked the people and the government of Moldova for their continued support and outstanding hospitality to refugees. “A significant part of the inter-agency response will be geared to support the Government’s response capacity as well as Moldovan communities and people that have given tremendous support in terms of hosting, providing emergency support and food to arriving refugees”, she said, adding that the vulnerability of refugees is increasing and that nearly all of them need humanitarian assistance.

The promotion of resilience, livelihoods and socioeconomic inclusion of refugees is a key aspect of the plan including through the upgrade of local services, provision of socioeconomic integration support, job placement services, information, vocational training, validation, and certification of skills, as well as in-kind micro-grants for self-employment and small businesses.

Under the leadership of the government, the RRP brings together the efforts of 40 organizations including UN agencies, national and international NGOs, faith-based institutions, and civil society. To date, 27% of the RRP is funded, but more support is needed.

For additional information, please contact:

Kisut Gebreegziabher

Communicatios Officer & Spokesperson

UNHCR Moldova
Mobile: +37367722468

WhatsApp: +254712856340

Data portal – Moldova inter-agency response

UNHCR Help Page:



UNHCR cash assistance helps refugees from Ukraine make ends meet, while boosting the local economy

UNHCR cash assistance helps refugees from Ukraine make ends meet, while boosting the local economy

Chisinau, Moldova-Wednesday 23 February was a day like any other in Ukraine’s Mariupol city. Liudmila Prodous, a resident of the port city travelled to Odesa, on the border with Moldova, to attend a workshop. She brought with her Veronica, her only child, to see places.

The next day, the two heard the news on TV of the just erupted war at their hotel room in Odesa, triggering a frantic phone call back home.

“My mother told me that there was a lot of shelling and that the city was in turmoil. She told me that gas, power and water systems were all off and that the temperature had dropped to -6 degrees Celsius”, said the 35-year-old lawyer, her eyes filled with tears.

At first, she thought of going back to Mariupol to join her family, but she quickly realized that she could not dare put her nine-year-old daughter in danger. Two weeks later, they left Ukraine.

“I did not have any option but to cross over to Moldova”, she said, adding that they were warmly welcomed at the border and accommodated in Chisinau.

Victoria Tytarenko fled Mykolaiv with her six-year-old son after two rockets hit a building next to theirs, blowing up the windows of their apartment.

„I thought it was a thunderstorm, but my husband, who had served in the military, recognized what it was and told me that the war had started,” the 26-year-old said. She fled together with her mother, her son, her sister and her nephew, while her husband remained behind. They were all accommodated at the MoldExpo refugee accommodation centre in Chisinau, Moldova.

The MoldExpo also hosts one of the eight UNHCR cash enrolment centres in the country, where refugees from Ukraine can register to receive cash assistance.

Liudmila and Victoria are among more than 30,000 people who have registered for the UNHCR cash assistance and received a prepaid card that they will be able to use in shops and ATMs, giving them the wherewithal to spend on some of their most urgent needs.

“Thanks to the support I can now buy my son his favourite food”, said Victoria, adding, “He has lost his appetite as he misses his father”.

Liudmila, on the other hand, says she would send part of the money to her parents and grandparents back home.

“My daughter and I have received a total of 4,400 MDL. I will convert some of it into a hard currency and send it to my family in Ukraine who have literally nothing to survive on”.  Liudmila wants to buy food and clothes for Veronica and to add credit to her mobile with what’s left in order to be able to make phone calls.

UNHCR rolled out the cash programme in Moldova on 25 March, aiming to help refugees from Ukraine cover their most urgent needs and give them the opportunity to buy items and services that they need.

“The assistance primarily benefits the refugees, giving them the freedom to decide on which of their needs to prioritize”, says Francesca Bonelli, the UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Moldova. “But it also helps boost the local economy as we are injecting $45 million into the local market”.

Every refugee receives 2,200 MDL ($120) per month, and UNHCR seeks to reach some 150,000 vulnerable refugees in Moldova with cash grants.

There are two centers in Chisinau and six centers in other districts, enrolling refugees who have applied for cash assistance through an online form posted on the UNHCR Help page. In addition, mobile teams are enrolling refugees that live far away from the centers.

Victoria wants to stay in Moldova to be able to go back home as soon as the war ends. Liudmila, on the other hand, is vacillating between two thoughts.

“One side of me tells me to go to another country where I can work and support my parents and grandparents while my other side wants to stay close by so that I can quickly return to take care of my vulnerable parents and grandparents.”

(Yulia Fedorenko has contributed to this story)


Vă salut în numele Înaltului Comisariat al Națiunilor Unite pentru Refugiați în Republica Moldova.

Vă salut în numele Înaltului Comisariat al Națiunilor Unite pentru Refugiați în Republica Moldova.

Chișinău, Moldova, 12 aprilie 2022: UNHCR, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați, a predat astăzi 21 de vehicule de teren Ministerului Afacerilor Interne (MAI) al Republicii Moldova pentru a susține răspunsul Guvernului la criza refugiaților din Ucraina.

În valoare de peste jumătate de milion de dolari SUA, vehiculele vor fi folosite de poliția de frontieră a Republicii Moldova pentru a consolida mobilitatea și a crește capacitatea de monitorizare.

De la declanșarea crizei refugiaților din Ucraina, din cauza conflictului armat în derulare, Poliția de Frontieră a Moldovei a mobilizat circa 1.500 de angajați, pentru asigurarea securității frontierei de stat, dar și pentru gestionarea eficientă a fluxurilor masive de refugiați. A făcut ajustări în cadrul său legislativ pentru a se asigura că punctele de trecere ale frontierei funcționează non-stop cu utilizarea maximă a infrastructurii lor.

„Guvernul și-a îmbunătățit semnificativ capacitatea de a fluediza trecerea frontierei și a facilitat intrarea în țară a peste 400.000 de noi veniți din Ucraina în doar șase săptămâni”, a declarat Francesca Bonelli, Reprezentanta UNHCR în Republica Moldova. „Credem că aceste vehicule vor spori și mai mult mobilitatea poliției de frontieră între diferitele puncte de trecere a frontierei pentru a facilita traversarea în continuare a frontierei din partea Ucrainei.”

„Vă mulțumim pentru sprijinul oferit MAI și refugiaților care vin în Moldova, fugind de război. Această donație ne va consolida capacitatea de a monitoriza mai eficient securitatea frontierei. Ne aflăm într-o perioadă dificilă, plină de provocări zilnice, dar prin eforturi comune reușim să asigurăm securitatea cetățenilor”, a menționat Ana Revenco, ministra Afacerilor Interne a Republicii Moldova.

UNHCR își întărește capacitatea în Moldova, extinde sprijinul internațional pentru refugiați și furnizează proviziile umanitare atât de necesare, în colaborare cu Guvernul Republicii Moldova.

La 11 aprilie, peste 413.000 de refugiați din Ucraina au intrat în Republica Moldova. Majoritatea au plecat în țări europene, aproximativ 96.000 de ucraineni sunt încă găzduiți cu generozitate în Moldova.


Înaltul Comisar Adjunct al UNHCR laudă solidaritatea României și a Republicii Moldova față de refugiații ucraineni

Înaltul Comisar Adjunct al UNHCR laudă solidaritatea României și a Republicii Moldova față de refugiații ucraineni

La încheierea unei vizite de o săptămână în România și Republica Moldova, Raouf Mazou și-a exprimat aprecierea pentru solidaritatea remarcabilă manifestată în ambele țări față de oamenii care fug din Ucraina.

„În ultimele zile, am fost martorul direct al generozității care a caracterizat până acum răspunsul la sosirea refugiaților din Ucraina”, a declarat Mazou la încheierea vizitei sale. „Trebuie să ne exprimăm cu toții aprecierea profundă față de guvernele și oamenii atât din România, cât și din Republica Moldova, pentru că și-au deschis inimile și casele față de cei aflați în nevoie, în aceste momente foarte dificile.”

În cadrul unei întâlniri cu primul ministru Nicolae Ciucă în România, Înaltul Comisar Asistent a lăudat răspunsul de urgență robust la frontiere și în interiorul țării, care a primit până în prezent aproximativ 650.000 de refugiați. El a recunoscut acțiunile rapide întreprinse de Guvernul României pentru a asigura accesul la drepturi și servicii prin intermediul protecției temporare, precum și coordonarea puternică a răspunsului național general de către Centrul National de Conducere si Coordonare a Intervențiilot (CNCCI).

Autoritățile naționale au asigurat accesul rapid la teritoriu, la asistență și la transportul ulterior în condiții de siguranță. Vizitând punctele albastre (Blue Dots) comune UNHCR-UNICEF de la Isaccea și Siret, Mazou a fost martor la coordonarea dintre ONG-urile naționale și autorități, care furnizează informații și identifică refugiații vulnerabili, inclusiv copiii neînsoțiți și separați, în vederea trimiterii către structurile de protecție.

Pe 7 aprilie, Mazou a observat punctul de trecere a frontierei de la Palanca, unul dintre cele mai aglomerate puncte de trecere a frontierei dinspre Ucraina către Moldova. La începutul săptămânii, în timp ce se afla în România, el a vizitat Centrul de Tranzit din Huși, în care au fost transferați peste 7.000 de refugiați veniți de la Palanca, ca urmare a cooperării strânse între cele două guverne și cu sprijinul UNHCR, Agenției ONU pentru Refugiați și al Organizației Internaționale pentru Migrație.

De la începutul conflictului, peste 400.000 de refugiați au trecut în Moldova. Zeci de mii de persoane au fost ajutate să călătorească mai departe spre alte țări, inclusiv prin promisiunile făcute de țările UE de a primi refugiați din Moldova. „Angajamentele făcute de țările europene de a transfera refugiații din Moldova pe teritoriul lor reprezintă un efort de a împărți responsabilitatea și de a ușura presiunea asupra țărilor de primire, așa cum se subliniază în Pactul Global pentru Refugiați”, a declarat Mazou.

De asemenea, Mazou a vizitat MoldExpo din Chișinău, care funcționează ca o facilitate de cazare, un punct albastru și un centru de înscriere în numerar. Înscrierile pentru asistenta financiară în Moldova sunt în creștere rapidă de la lansarea programului la sfârșitul lunii martie. În colaborare cu Guvernul și cu Programul Alimentar Mondial, obiectivul este de a oferi numerar la aproximativ 150.000 de persoane, precum și familiilor gazdă din Moldova care și-au deschis casele pentru refugiații care fug din Ucraina.

Necesitatea de a consolida sistemele naționale existente pentru a le permite să răspundă nevoilor refugiaților și ale comunităților gazdă este esențială, în special având în vedere amploarea acestei crize, după cum s-a discutat cu Sergiu Odainic, Secretarul General al Ministerului Afacerilor Externe și Integrării Europene al Republicii Moldova. După o perioadă inițială de trei luni, refugiații ar trebui să poată avea acces la mecanismele naționale de sprijin, evitându-se astfel necesitatea unor sisteme paralele.

„Mobilizarea și solidaritatea întregii societăți pe care am văzut-o în timpul vizitei mele – de la guvern la societatea civilă și la voluntari – a fost cu adevărat uimitoare. Trebuie să ne asigurăm că aceasta ajunge la toți refugiații, indiferent de locul de unde fug”, a declarat Mazou.

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