Respond to Emergencies

When people are forced to flee, UNHCR is there. We ensure they can reach safety, deliver life-saving aid and work to protect them while they are displaced from home.


Shelter is a vital survival mechanism in times of crisis or displacement. It is also key to restoring personal security, self-sufficiency and dignity.

At UNHCR, a core part of our protection mission is to guarantee access to adequate shelter in humanitarian emergencies. We provide tents, distribute plastic sheeting and develop emergency strategies, tools and guidelines and rush in emergency aid to those who need it most.

On cold nights or hot days, our help can be the difference between life and death.

Cash Assistance

Most forcibly displaced populations live in places where they have access to markets and services. Providing them with cash enables them to prioritize and fulfil their needs in a dignified manner and contributes to the local economy.