UNHCR și Ministerul Culturii al Republicii Moldova semnează un Memorandum de Înțelegere pentru a promova incluziunea și diversitatea culturală în beneficiul refugiaților și al comunităților moldovenești
© UNHCR/ Eugenia Ciurca
Chisinau, 1st of August 2023 – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova signed a memorandum of understanding in which by it both parties affirm their commitment to strengthen mutual understanding, and bridge the gaps between refugees, local communities, and people with different cultural backgrounds.
UNHCR will support the creation of cultural events, exhibitions, workshops, and educational activities that promote intercultural dialogue. Furthermore, The Ministry of Culture and UNHCR will develop and implement joint activities to foster cultural integration and social inclusion among refugees and asylum-seekers through art, music, and choreography. This will provide opportunities for individuals to engage in music-related and choreography activities, such as workshops, training programs, and performances, where they can express their cultural heritage and develop their musical talents.
“Art, music, and dance are powerful means of expression in which refugees process their experiences,” said Francesca Bonelli, UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Moldova “Art also fosters a sense of belonging and connection among refugee and local communities, something invaluable for refugees especially youth and children living away from their home countries”.
Cultural inclusion of refugees provides a space for open communication where they find ways to contribute to local communities and encourage mutual respect. It is the most effective way of helping refugees to rebuild their lives.
To show solidarity with refugees, and to recognize their importance and contributions to society, The Government of the Republic of Moldova have declared the year 2023 as the Year of Ukrainian Culture in Moldova.
“This collaboration aims to foster social cohesion and mutual respect by providing platforms for cultural expression and interaction.” Said Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldova “And through these platforms, individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together, share their unique perspectives, and engage in meaningful dialogue, ultimately strengthening their understanding and appreciation of one another. This initiative will nurture a sense of unity and interconnectedness, to create a more inclusive and harmonious society”.
The Republic of Moldova has received more refugees from Ukraine per capita than any other country worldwide: for every three Moldovan citizens, one person from Ukraine has arrived since the war began.
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