Dear Sir / Madam,
Please find attached Request for Proposal (RFP/2021/018) plus associated annexes for the establishment of Frame Agreement(s) for the provision of “THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR SERVICES FOR SECONDARY AND TERTIARY HEALTH CARE TO REFUGEES IN LEBANON”
Herewith are annexes which form integral part of the RFP:
Annex A: Terms of Reference (TOR)
Annex B: Technical Offer submission Checklist
Annex D: Guidelines for Referral Health Care in Lebanon, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Annex E: UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Services –July 2018 version
Annex F: UNHCR Vendor Registration Form
Annex G: UN Supplier Code of Conduct
Annex H: Sample Agreement for Protection of Personal Data
We would appreciate if you could kindly inform us of the receipt of this RFP by return e-mail to [email protected] with cc to [email protected].
Your confirmation of receipt of this Request for Proposal and your participation by submitting a bid on or before the closing date.
The offers must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company.
The offer should be submitted electronically to email address:
Please clearly state the following in subject line of the email:
-Company name
-Type of offer: Technical or Financial
-Number of e-mails sent (for example: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3)
Please follow the below instructions for submitting the offers via email:
Deadline to submit offers: 19 July 2021, 16:00 Hrs Lebanon Local Time or Earlier to:
Please do NOT address your offer to any other UNHCR contact person.
Any bid received after this date or sent to any other UNHCR e-mail addresses may be rejected. UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of proposals by notifying all prospective bidders simultaneously.
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