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Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness in Lebanon

Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness in Lebanon

Since 2023, with the generous support of PRM, UNHCR has supported the Government of Lebanon in reforming the civil registration and nationality law through advocacy and providing technical advice to enhance simplified administrative procedures that could help prevent...

A solar panel: A big impact on lives

A solar panel: A big impact on lives

Beirut, Lebanon In her tiny apartment in Ain-Remeneh, a popular suburb of Beirut, Rita lives along with her three cats who keep her company throughout the day. Rita, a 54-year-old Lebanese woman works as a school bus supervisor for two and a half million Lebanese...

Fatima’s house is now home.

Fatima’s house is now home.

Seated in her modestly furnished living room, Fatima stares outside her window to a view of the city of Halba in northern Lebanon. From behind the window, she observes the grey and yellow buildings surrounded by mountainous areas that have been a silent witness to her...

In Safety and Dignity: Supporting Refugees to Meet Basic Needs

In Safety and Dignity: Supporting Refugees to Meet Basic Needs

Abdul Motalleb, Amina, and their children once led a normal life in Syria, where they planned a future for their family. But like millions of people, they were forced to flee once the fighting reached their town, destroying their property and putting their lives at...