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Kakuma refugee camp: update on the sit-in protest in front of UNHCR office

Kakuma refugee camp: update on the sit-in protest in front of UNHCR office

After several efforts over the last three days by UNHCR, the National Police Service and the Refugee Affairs Secretariat to resolve peacefully a sit-in protest outside the UNHCR’s office in Kakuma, Kenya, and offer realistic solutions to the 60 refugees and asylum seekers involved, they were moved today by the […]

UNHCR Kenya expresses continued solidarity in ongoing efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for more support

UNHCR Kenya expresses continued solidarity in ongoing efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for more support

Nairobi, 25 April 2020 – As the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, notes the increasing challenges faced by refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable populations, and calls for continued solidarity. UNHCR appreciates the inclusion of refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons in the Government of Kenya’s […]

UNHCR Kenya Statement by the UNHCR Representative in Kenya, Fathiaa Abdalla

UNHCR Kenya Statement by the UNHCR Representative in Kenya, Fathiaa Abdalla

“We, at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, are profoundly shocked and saddened by the tragic death and apparent suicide of a refugee today in Nairobi. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends. We ask everyone to kindly respect his dignity and the dignity and privacy of his […]