Dadaab Refugee Complex

The three Dadaab camps are Dagahaley, Ifo and Hagadera. The first two are located in Lagdera (Dadaab) district while Hagadera is located in the neighbouring Fafi district.  The camps resemble naturally-grown towns and have developed into commercial hubs connecting north-eastern Kenya and southern Somalia. The Ifo 2 Settlement has now been developed to support rising numbers of refugees seeking safety here.

The Government’s Department of Refugee Services (DRS) is responsible for the management and coordination of refugee affairs with technical support from UNHCR.

UNHCR works with partners to advocate for effective international protection and durable solutions. There have been positive developments, led by the Government and supported by UNHCR. The Garissa Integrated Socio-Economic Development Program (GISEDP) was launched in September 2023 and will promote the economic growth of Dadaab, take a whole-of-society approach, and offer sustainable solutions for refugees and host communities. It forms an integral part of the Government[1]led Shirika Plan which will empower communities and transform camps into socioeconomic hubs.

Latest figures can be accessed on the UNHCR Kenya statistics page.

Information for journalists, film-makers and researchers visiting Dadaab Refugee Camps – please visit our Media Contacts page for more.