難民申請(なんみんしんせい)をされる方(かた)へ Hotline for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

For Refugees and Asylum Seekers
難民・難民申請者の皆様へ (なんみん・なんみんしんせいしゃのみなさまへ) 

UNHCR Japan provides counseling to refugees and asylum seekers through its partner organization, Japan Association for Refugees (JAR). Please call JAR between 10:00AM – 5:00PM Monday-Friday (Except national holidays). 

Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)
Toll-free number 0120-477-472 (TEL: 03-5379-6003 if not reachable)
Email: [email protected] 
Address* 4F TAS Building, 2-5-2 Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0065, Japan 

*Please ensure to make an appointment before visiting the office. For details, please refer to the JAR’s webpage at: https://www.refugee.or.jp/for_refugees/ 

 UNHCR in Japan does not provide direct counselling services or assistance and is unable to accommodate in-person visits to its office. UNHCR’s role in Japan is mainly to provide policy and legal advice about refugee protection to the Government and civil society. 

For more information including on the role of UNHCR Japan, please visit our website.



フリーダイヤル 0120-477-472(つながらなかったら 03-5379-6003
Email: [email protected] 

 JARの住所じゅうしょ101-0065 東京都とうきょうと千代田区ちよだく西神田にしかんだ2-5-2 TASビル4かい 



