*UNHCR Press release “UNHCR awards the 2010 Nansen Refugee Award to Alixandra Fazzina” English text to follow.
ファツィーナ氏はボスニアにおいて英国の従軍記者としてフォトジャーナリストのキャリアをスタートさせた。以降、彼女はレンズを軍事前線から難民キャンプへとフォーカスさせ、戦争がもたらす人間の苦境を記録した。コソボでの地雷の被害者、アンゴラで戦闘に巻き込まれる市民、レイプが武器として使われるシエラレオネ、コンゴやウガンダの民兵による幼児虐待、アフガニスタン、パキスタンの難民の現状などが代表作品の一部だ。ソマリアで2年間をかけて、難民や移民の大移動とそれに伴うビジネスとして、密航を撮り続けた写真は、作品集“A Million Shillings, Escape from Somalia”となり、2010年9月に発売が予定されている。ファティーナ氏はよりよい生活を求めてアデン湾を渡ろうとする人の苦境をじかに撮っている。このような作品は湾岸沿いの荒れ果てた避難所にいる人と命がけで時を過ごした彼女だからこそ成し得たことだ。
ナンセン難民賞とは、1954年、当時の国連難民高等弁務官、ヴァン・ハーベン・グートハート博士が難民の窮状に焦点を当てるため、難民に多大な貢献をした個人または団体を称える目的で創設された。大規模な難民支援を先駆けて行なったフリチョフ・ナンセンにちなんで名づけられた。賞金の10万米ドルは受賞者の 希望に応じて寄付することも可能である。
2006年には日本人として初めて金井昭雄氏が受賞している。オプトメトリスト(検眼士)として20年以上にわたり、世界の難民や避難民の視力検定を行い、眼鏡を提供する活動を通して、10万人以上の生活の質の向上に貢献してきた。 本年度の授賞式はスイス・ジュネーブにて10月5日に行われる。
British photojournalist wins 2010 Nansen Refugee Award
News Stories, 9 July 2010
GENEVA, 9 July 2010 – The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced today that its annual Nansen Refugee Award will go to Alixandra Fazzina, a British photojournalist whose work documents the often overlooked consequences of war.
On learning of the award Fazzina said, “I am overwhelmed and absolutely delighted to have been recognized by UNHCR with this distinguished honour. I have always sought to bring greater attention to those forced to flee conflict, violence and misery. To lose one’s home and have to start a new life is one of the greatest challenges anybody can face, yet millions every year have no other choice.”
Over the past ten years Fazzina has travelled to Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe documenting the lives of the uprooted through powerful and moving photo essays.
Announcing the recipient of this year’s Nansen Award, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres called Fazzina a “fearless humanitarian. By unearthing and so vividly portraying the individual stories of uprooted people she has achieved something remarkable. Her commitment, empathy and devotion to getting to the bottom of every story make her an exemplary chronicler of the world’s most vulnerable people.”
Fazzina began her career as a photojournalist embedded with the British army in Bosnia in 2005. She has since focussed on chronicling the human suffering caused by war. The Nansen award committee praised in particular her coverage of land mine victims in Kosovo, civilians stranded behind enemy lines in Angola, rape as a weapon of war in Sierra Leone, the abuse of children by militias in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda and refugee situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Between 2006 and 2008 Fazzina chronicled the exodus of migrants and refugees from Somalia as they sought to cross the Gulf of Aden to Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula. Spending extended periods of time with those looking to make the hazardous journey aboard smugglers’ boats; she captured first hand the despair and suffering of people seeking safety and a better life. The result was the book, A Million Shillings – Escape from Somalia to be published in September.
The Nansen Refuge Award is given annually to an individual or organization for outstanding work on behalf of refugees. It includes a $100,000 prize that the winner can donate to a cause of his or her choice. It was created in 1954 in honour of Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer, scientist and the first U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
The Nansen Award Ceremony will take place on 5 October 2010 in Geneva.