日時: 2016年6月20日(月) 14:00-17:20(受付開始 12:30 / 開場13:00)
言語:日本語、英語 (同時通訳あり)
参加費用・申込み方法: 無料・要事前予約
後援:外務省 (調整中)
受付開始 12:30 / 開場: 13:00
開会挨拶 (14:00-14:30)
第1部 基調講演: 難民保護と人道支援における寛容、連帯、多様性の尊重 (14:30-14:50)
第2部 難民保護・人道支援の活動報告 (14:50-15:40)
休憩 (10 min)
第3部: パネル・ディスカッション: 分かちあう責任 – 創造的アプローチに向けて (15:50-17:20)
閉会の挨拶 (17:20)
The world is at a critical juncture. Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people to flee their homes and seek refuge than at any other time since the end of the Second World War. Within the current crises, Syria can be said to be one of the most complex and dynamic humanitarian crises in the world today. Since March 2011, over 4.8 million Syrians have been forced to leave the country, more than 6.5 million are internally displaced, and many Syrians refugees have crossed the deadly Mediterranean route to reach Europe for protection.
Many refugees and displaced persons are losing hope since they cannot develop a vision for the future; livelihood and education opportunities are limited, and living conditions in exile are steadily deteriorating. Further, the prolonging displacement is also leading to growing pressures on hosting countries. Refugees face rising hostility as their existence is conflated with security concerns and other socio-economic issues, causing resentment and abetting politicization of “refugees”.
Who are these “refugees”? What kind of protection and assistance is required from us? In addition to the needs for humanitarian and development assistance in Syria and the neighbouring countries, we are in need of unprecedented responses and an involvement of new and unconventional actors to protect people fleeing conflict and persecution. Furthermore, we need a renewed global commitment to maintain the fundamental values of tolerance, respect of diversity and solidarity, and envision societies that leave no one behind.
This 4th joint symposium on the Syria Crisis hosted by UNHCR and JPF will see the participation of not only academia, NGOs, government and UN agencies, but also refugees, private sector, media, youth, and civil society, and will focus on the following issues: “importance of tolerance, solidarity and respect for diversity in refugee protection”, “international society and Japan’s response to the crisis”, “innovative approach with new actors” and “shared responsibility”. We are looking forward to your participation.
【About Symposium】
Date & Time: 20 June 2016 (Mon), 14:00-17:20 (Registration 12:30 / Venue Open 13:00)
Venue: U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University
Organisers: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Japan / Japan Platform (JPF)
Languages: English and Japanese (simultaneous translation available)
Supporter: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (TBC)
Registration: Free, Online Registration, Please go to Japan Platform website top page and click the icon “Syria Symposium” OR access to the following webpage for registration.
Registration: 12:30
Opening Remarks (14:00-14:30)
MC: Ms. Yuko Shibata, General Manager, Japan Platform
Reflection of Past Symposia
Introductory Activities
Part 1. Keynote Speech: The Value of Tolerance, Solidarity and Respect of Diversity in the Context of Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Assistance (14:30-14:50)
Part 2. Debriefing on Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Assistance (14:50-15:40)
Interval (10 min)
Part 3. Panel Discussion: Shared Responsibility – Creative Approaches (15:50-17:20)
Q&A Session
Closing Remarks (17:20)