Ahlan wa sahlan to the UNHCR Jordan monthly update for April/May 2021! Here you will find the operation’s recent news and most updated documents. Feel free to share widely with colleagues and partners and do not hesitate to let us know if you have any queries.
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Refugee volunteers in Jordan and Lebanon boost vaccine uptake
Sameeh has lived in Jordan’s bustling Za’atari refugee camp since 2013, when he fled his home in Daraa. “Before COVID-19, my role as a community health volunteer in Za’atari Camp was just like any other normal job,” Sameeh explained. “But now my job means something. You feel there is an urgency. Getting the COVID-19 vaccine could be a matter of life or death.” Read more.
A family torn apart by war relies on UNHCR this Ramadan
Back in Syria, Ramadan was a time for celebration. For family, good food and charity. As refugees in Jordan, Abu Safwan and his family now rely on that charity they once held great pride in giving. Despite challenges, Abu Safwan still gets up every morning to go and open the local mosque in their neighbourhood in North Amman. “When I wake up, I walk to the mosque, pray the morning prayers and then stand at the door distributing masks and prayer mats for those who don’t have them.” Read more.
Every year, UNHCR appeals to the public during Ramadan to help raise awareness and funds for refugees and internally displaced people in need. Money received goes directly to support refugee families supported by cash assistance in Jordan. You can donate here.
Refugee entrepreneur finds hope despite COVID-19 pandemic
This time last year, Ghada was depressed. Originally from Homs, she fled Syria and came to Mafraq, Jordan in 2013. As a single mother of five girls, she always struggled to make ends meet, but instead of letting the situation get the better of her, Ghada decided to fight back. After taking a training course offered by local NGO and UNHCR’s livelihood partner, Blumont, she was inspired to turn her passion into a business. Read Ghada’s story here.
UNHCR Jordan operational update (Apr 2021)
UNHCR Jordan COVID-19 dashboard (Apr 2021)
Azraq and Zaatari camps dashboard (Apr 2021)
Resettlement dashboard (April 2021)
Statistics for registered Persons of Concern (as of 15 May 2021): all | Syrian refugees | Iraqi refugees | refugees of other nationalities
Abu & Um Safwan’s family has been torn apart by war. UNHCR cash assistance is helping. |
A vaccine open day in Zaatari Camp, saw UN and NGO staff receive they COVID-19 vaccines |
Thousands of Syrian refugees receive the Coronavirus vaccine in Zaatari camp
Inside the world’s first vaccine clinic housed in a refugee camp
Study weighs impact of COVID crisis on vulnerable households
Why Jordan faces a critical water crisis
FAQs about the COVID-19 vaccine
Information on COVID-19 vaccine registration
#AskUNHCR Facebook live series
Animation videos about different UNHCR services
Also check out:
UNHCR Jordan Help Site | UNHCR data portal | Global Focus website
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