
Consultation with refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons

English | Français | Italiano | العربية ]

An open platform organized by UNHCR for consultation with persons of concern

In order to ensure the meaningful and active participation of persons of concern and their empowerment, UNHCR organizes regular thematic focus group discussions, consultations and meetings with refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and members from local communities on a number of issues affecting their rights, wellbeing and paths towards solutions.

If you are a refugee, an asylum seeker or a stateless person living in Italy and interested to participate in UNHCR’s consultation, please leave your contacts here below:

Consultazioni con rifugiati, richiedenti asilo e apolidi

* mandatory fields/campi obbligatori/champs obligatoires/حقول إلزامية

Se vuoi cancellare la tua registrazione alle Consultazioni con rifugiati, richiedenti asilo e apolidi o se vuoi accedere o modificare i tuoi dati, contatta [email protected]

If you want to cancel your subscription to UNHCR Consultation with refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons or if you want to access or modify your data please contact [email protected]

Si vous souhaitez annuler votre inscription aux Consultations du UNHCR avec les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les apatrides ou si vous souhaitez accéder ou modifier vos données, veuillez contacter [email protected]

إذا كنت ترغب في إلغاء اشتراكك في مشاورات المفوضية مع اللاجئين وطالبي اللجوء وعديمي الجنسية أو إذا كنت تريد الوصول إلى بياناتك أو تغييرها فيرجى الاتصال بعنوان البريدي الإلكتروني التالي:

[email protected]


Are you a young asylum seeker, refugee or stateless person, are you between 16 and 24 years old, do you speak Italian and English and live in Italy?

European Youth Parliament – Milan, 2-10 May 2020

The European Youth Parliament (EYP)  is a peer-to-peer educational programme that brings together young people from across Europe to debate the pressing issues of our time. EYP mission is to inspire and empower young Europeans to be open-minded, tolerant and active citizens. Thanks to EYP cooperation with UNHCR, issues concerning refugees and migration have become an integral part of the EYP’s debates at international sessions.

If you are interested in learning more about the initiative and in participating in 2020 EYP International Session in Milan, please consult the documents below, check that your profile matches the requested criteria and send us your application by March 15.

EYP Application Form 2020

Open Call EYP

EYP and UNHCR Partnership

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the EYP International Session is postponed to a date to be determined. Please keep applying, we will contact you soon to confirm the new dates.


Find out more on UNHCR consultation: