Search: Help on Iran

  • New SSAR Support Platform refocuses international attention on displaced Afghans

    New SSAR Support Platform refocuses international attention on displaced Afghans

    Forty years since the start of the conflict in Afghanistan, finding solutions for the millions of Afghans who remain displaced is key to the country and the region’s collective future.
  • World gathering on refugees opens in Geneva after ‘decade of displacement’

    World gathering on refugees opens in Geneva after ‘decade of displacement’

    Global Refugee Forum, 16–18 December in Geneva A three-day global gathering aimed at transforming the way the world responds to refugee situations starts today in Geneva, Switzerland. The first-ever Global Refugee Forum brings together refugees, heads of state and government, UN leaders, [...]
  • UNHCR/Sebastian Rich

    Global Refugee Forum

    16 (Advance Session), 17 & 18 December 2019 (High-Level Session)
  • Community-Based Interventions

    Community-based protection uses a community-based approach to programming, specifically to address protection issues by involving affected groups in a community at every stage (namely, in assessment, diagnosis, prioritization, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation) that a community [...]
  • Health

    Health is a fundamental human right for all, including refugees. Making it possible for refugees to access healthcare is a top priority for UNHCR. UNHCR works with the Government of Iran and its Ministry of Health and Medical Education to ensure that all refugees have access to these vital and [...]
  • Legal Support

      UNHCR Iran operates a Legal Services Project with the objective of providing legal assistance to refugees in Iran and resolving disputes through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.UNHCR-hired lawyers (UHLs) provide free legal advice and assistance to refugees and Dispute [...]
  • Resettlement and Complementary Pathways

      Many refugees cannot go home due to the persevering conflict, persecution, and lack of security in their countries. Many live in unfavorable situations or have specific needs that cannot be addressed in the country where they have initially sought asylum. In such circumstances, UNHCR [...]
  • UNHCR and Republic of Korea call for stronger private sector engagement to boost economic opportunities for refugees

    UNHCR and Republic of Korea call for stronger private sector engagement to boost economic opportunities for refugees

    UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea today brought together international private companies and business networks, diplomatic missions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and UN agencies to call for more investment in livelihoods and economic opportunities for [...]
  • UN Assistant High Commissioner for Protection arrives in Tehran

    UN Assistant High Commissioner for Protection arrives in Tehran

    Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Mr. Volker Türk, has arrived in Tehran on a two-day visit. Mr. Türk is the UN’s leading expert on international protection and his visit is meant to reaffirm UNHCR’s commitment to continue its strong partnership with the Islamic Republic of Iranone [...]
  • Inauguration ceremony of Shahid Majid Boshkouh high school

    Inauguration ceremony of Shahid Majid Boshkouh high school

    The official inauguration ceremony of Shahid Majid Boshkouh High School for boys in Bushehr province took place on 4 February 2018. Located in a high refugee populated area, the school is the result of partnership between the Ministry of Education, the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants [...]