193 states agreed to the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants calling for a more equitable responsibility sharing for hosting and supporting the world’s refugee population in September 2016. One of the key outcomes of the declaration was the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) which provides a systematic response that benefits refugees and host communities with a view to expanding opportunities for durable solutions.
The CRRF approach aims to engage a broader group of stakeholders, linking humanitarian and development efforts and strengthening service delivery through national systems. In order to realize the strategic vision, CRRF aims to achieve the following four objectives:
On 2 October, UNHCR’s annual Executive Committee (ExCom) meeting held a special segment on CRRF to which a number of countries were invited to showcase best practices and ways in which a broader range of partners (government, donors, NGOs, private sector, academia) can be involved in the refugee response. Iran was one of the countries to be invited as a panelist.
Iran’s participation in the ExCom Special Segment on CRRF was the opportunity to showcase the good practices and long experience of Iran as a host nation to a larger international audience, including the donor community.
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