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Tendering announcements

ITB-538 Supply, delivery and installation of medical equipment to hospitals and primary health care centers (Kawergosk PHC, Sarish PHC, Daratu PHC, New Qalat PHC in Erbil, Kalak PHC in Duhok and Shar Hospital, Pediatric Hospital, and Said Sadiq Hospital in Suly) in KRI in Iraq.

ITB-538 Supply, delivery and installation of medical equipment to hospitals and primary health care centers (Kawergosk PHC, Sarish PHC, Daratu PHC, New Qalat PHC in Erbil, Kalak PHC in Duhok and Shar Hospital, Pediatric Hospital, and Said Sadiq Hospital in Suly) in KRI in Iraq.

INVITATION TO BID No. ITB-538 Supply, delivery and installation of medical equipment to hospitals and primary health care centers (Kawergosk PHC, Sarish PHC, Daratu PHC, New Qalat PHC in Erbil, Kalak PHC in Duhok and Shar Hospital, Pediatric Hospital, and Said Sadiq...