Construction works of 18-Classroom School in Kani Goma neighborhood, Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq.


Construc􀆟on Works of 18 Classroom Schools in Kani Goma Neighborhood, Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq

The Request for Proposal No. HCR/IRQ/COE/2024/RFP/018 for Construc􀆟on Works of 18 Classroom Schools in the Kani Goma Neighborhood in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq for UNHCR Iraq Opera􀆟on dated 29 May 2024 is hereby amended as follows:

1. Site Visit: Due to inaccurate site GPS coordinates published in the tender, a second site visit will be held to enable all poten􀆟al bidders to access the site. Please see details below:

a) The date of the site visit is on the 24th of June 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

b) Poten􀆟al bidders are required to send an email for booking an appointment for the visit to the email addresses: [email protected], CC: [email protected], and [email protected] by the 23 June 2024 3 pm Iraq local 􀆟me.

c) Site GPS Coordinates: 35°31’30.0″N 45°22’45.0″E

2. Request for Clarifica􀆟on: bidders have 􀆟me un􀆟l the 24th June 2024 at 7 pm Iraq local 􀆟me to submit any request for clarifica􀆟on.

3. Closing Date: the bid submission closing date is hereby extended to the 6th of July 2024 at 23:59pm.

Annex A – Scope of Works

Annex B – Bill of Quanitity

Annex C – Desing and Structure (Drawings)

Annex D – Technical Offer Form

Annex E – Financial Offer Form

Annex F – Vendor Registration Form

Annex G – Eligibility on Joint Ventures for Suppliers

Annex H – UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts – Provision of Goods and Services – Jul 2018

Annex I – UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for Civil Works

Annex J – UN Supplier’s Code of Conduct_English

Annex K – eTenderBox Supplier User Manual

Annex L – How to Join MT


RFP-018 Construction of 18 Classrooms School in Kani Goma

RFP-018 Questions and Answers

RFP-018 Site Visit Minutes