Multi-purpose cash assistance

Cash-based intervention (CBI) is the principal modality for delivering assistance amongst vulnerable refugees in Iraq. CBI is preferred by the recipients as it provides them the power to choose and utilize the assistance based on their priorities. CBI is intended to empower beneficiaries, provides dignity and self-reliance and facilitates solutions. In general, cash assistance is widely used in Iraq as it is considered appropriate and feasible due to functional and accessible markets.

UNHCR has been implementing CBI in Iraq amongst refugees and asylum seekers in the form of Multipurpose Cash Assistance programme (MPCA) to support them in meeting their basic needs and improve their living conditions as well as reduce the likelihood of resorting to harmful coping mechanisms such as reducing food intake and accumulating debt. Majority of the families receive their cash assistance through EyePay solution using IRIS biometric authentication, while the remaining families receive the assistance through mobile money transfer through mobile phones. UNHCR provides cash assistance to urban refugees, as those in camps benefit from WFP food assistance, and have free access to basic services such as electricity, water and sanitation and shelter.

Cash assistance has been streamlined among different partners through the Iraq Cash Forum (former cash working group). Iraq Cash Forum works on harmonizing approaches on monitoring, MEB, transfer value and targeting to ensure the assistance is provided in an efficient and effective manner to the eligible population.

Since January 2023, UNHCR ceased its IDP cash assistance as part of the UN/UNHCR’s transition from individualized IDP  humanitarian assistance to promoting their inclusion in Iraq’s existing public services, such as the social protection scheme.

Regarding refugees, UNHCR is advocating with the Kudistan Regional Government to promote refugee inclusion in current initiatives related to re-establishing a public social safety net in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.