The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), office in Baghdad, requests your price offer for the Establishment of Frame Agreement(s) for Hotel Accommodation for refugees as specified below in this Request for Quotation (RFQ).
The following Annexes are an integral part of this RFQ:
Annex B – Financial offer RFQ 029
Annex C – UN Supplier Code of Conduct
Annex D – Vendor Registration Form
Annex E – General Conditions for the provision of Services
Annex F – E-Tender Box Supplier Manual
Please note that submitting an offer is deemed as full acceptance of UNHCR’s General
Conditions for contracts.
1. Requirement:
2. Requests For Clarification
Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification or any question in respect of this RFQ by e-mail in advance to IRQBASUP@UNHCR.ORG, The deadline for receipt of questions is 23:59 hrs (Baghdad Standard Time) on Tuesday 09 Feb 2025 14:00 Hrs Iraq Local time Bidders are requested to keep all questions concise.
UNHCR will reply to the questions received as soon as possible by email to all invited bidders and will also be uploaded on the UNGM website.
3. Technical Evaluation Criteria (Pass/Fail)
No | Evaluation Criteria | The documents to be provided | Y/N |
1 |
Business Registration Certificate | Did the company/hotel Submit a Registration Certificate with the government of Iraq with a company/Hotel age from the registration date not less than 3 Years? | |
2 | Tax Certificate | Has the Company/hotel Submitted a valid Tax Clearance/Certificate | |
3 | Bank Account | Has the company/hotel Submitted a letter from the Bank showing the company/hotel Banking information. The Bank account should be in the
name of the company/Hotel (Not Individual) |
4 | Terms of Reference | Acceptance of the Terms of Reference (Annex A). signed and Stamped copy. | |
5 |
Flexibility in accepting the accommodation
Documents |
Has the company/hotel submitted a confirmation letter accepting/accommodating refugees registered with UNHCR (with valid asylum seeker/refugee certificate) and lack some documentation such as valid residence permit | |
6 |
UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the provision of
Services |
Has the company/Hotel submitted a signed and stamped copy of UNHCR General Conditions for the provision of Services |
7 | UN Code of Conduct | Has the company/hotel submitted a signed and stamped copy of UN Supplier Code of Conduct |
4. Financial Offer:
Please submit your price offer, using the financial offer form (Annex B). Quoted prices should remain fixed/valid for the period of the contract.
UNHCR is VAT exempted, with this regard, the price has to be given without VAT.
The fairly priced, substantially compliant offer will subsequently be recommended for a contract award.
Your quotation must be valid for at least 90 days. The standard payment terms of UNHCR is net 30 days upon satisfactory delivery of goods/services and acceptance thereof by UNHCR.
5. RFQ Submission:
Please submit your proposal through an online eTenderBox Tool, which can be accessed at
To submit a proposal against UNHCR tender, the bidder needs to register in eTenderbox system. Please refer to the eTenderbox user manual for bidders at Annex F: e-Tender Box Supplier user manual. You are requested to get familiar with this tool and create a login by registering your company in the system for access to the current and upcoming UNHCR tenders.
Once the login is created, the bidder will be given access to the UNHCR available tenders. Bidders can access the specific tender by clicking on the “tender reference number”, the system will then navigate to the detailed tender review page, where the separate technical and financial submissions can be done.
It is the bidder’s responsibility to upload only technical documentation under the “Technical category” and financial documentation under the “Financial category”. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
Note: The official submission of the selected files for upload is done by clicking the ‘Save & Submit’ button, therefore, this button has to be clicked before the deadline expires. If done so, the selected files will be submitted and uploaded successfully even if the deadline expires during the file upload. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all files of the final offer are submitted before the tender expiration deadline. In order to ensure the safe submission of the full and final offer, it is recommended to have all files uploaded well before the tender deadline.
Allowed extensions for files to upload are .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .txt,
.zip, .ppt, .pptx, .bmp, .rar, .gif, .tif and .tiff, however it is preferable to upload PDF files. Executable files (.exe, .bat, .cmd etc.) should not be uploaded. All files should be clearly labeled. The maximum size limit per file is 10MB.
IMPORTANT: The technical offer and financial offer are to be sent in separate documents. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
Standard Time). Any bid uploaded after this date and time will be rejected. UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids by notifying through and WWW.UNGM.ORG.
If your company is already registered with UNHCR, please submit a Vendor Registration Form clearly indicating your UNHCR vendor ID. If not, you should complete, sign, and submit the Vendor Registration Form “Annex D”.
Please find attached in “Annex E” the UNHCR’s General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Services please note that submitting an offer is deemed as full acceptance of UUNHCR General Confitions for the provision of Services
Please find attached in “Annex C” the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, please note that submitting an offer is deemed as full acceptance of UN Supplier Code of Conduct.
UNHCR reserves the right to accept the whole or part of your quotation. UNHCR may at its discretion increase or decrease the proposed content when awarding the contract and would not expect a significant variation of the rate submitted. Any such increase or decrease in the contract duration would be negotiated with the successful bidder as part of the finalization of the Purchase Orders for Services.
UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of quotation, by notifying all prospective suppliers in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the solicitation documents prepared by UNHCR at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective supplier.
Please note that UNHCR is not bound to select any of the firms submitting bids and does not bind itself in any way to select the firm offering the lowest price. Furthermore, the contract will be awarded to the bid considered most responsive to the needs, as well as conforming to UNHCR’s general principles, including economy and efficiency and best value for money.
Any Purchase Order (PO) issued as a result of this RFQ will be made in IQD. Payment will be made in accordance to the General Conditions for the Purchase of Services and in the currency in which the PO is issued. Payments shall only be initiated after confirmation of successful completion by UNHCR business owner.
Any Purchase Order (PO) issued as a result of this RFQ will be made in IQD.
UNHCR’s policy is to purchase products and services which have the least negative impact on the environment. Environmental considerations covering the manufacture, transport, packaging, use, and disposal of goods form part of UNHCR’s evaluation and selection criteria.
Please note that UNHCR strictly follows zero tolerance policy and as such, advises its bidders not to offer any gifts, favor, hospitality, commission, etc. to UNHCR Staff. Any bidder found to be offering gifts, favor, hospitality, commission, etc. to UNHCR Staff will be placed on the United Nations-sanctioned list and UNHCR will not do business with them anymore.
Thank you for your kind attention.
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