After a temporary halt of operations due to COVID-19 restrictions, the issuance of civil documentation for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in Kurdistan Region of Iraq resumed earlier this year.
The federal Ministry of Interior (MOI) has successfully processed 29,593 applications for documents that include Nationality Certificates and Civil Identity Cards during the five missions to 12 IDP camps in Duhok. Documentation is a key need among IDPs which enables them to access assistance and services, whether in their area of displacement or when they return.
“Missing civil documents prevented my son from finding a proper job for years. He applied to the committee, and a few days later he received his documents and now he is very hopeful for the future”, Amina said.
The civil documentation project was carried out in cooperation with UNHCR legal Partner Harikar and Barzani Charity Foundation in charge of camp management.
“ID documents are important for all people. Lack of documentation for IDPs and returnees severely impacts their ability to access education, healthcare, and employment, in addition to freedom of movement.” said Philippa Candler, UNHCR Representative in Iraq. “Obtaining an ID card is their first step into building a better future,” she added.
UNHCR appreciates the role of MOI in processing the documentation requests effectively, and of the Kurdistan Regional Government for hosting the IDPs.
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