Why is film important for refugees?

Why is film important for refugees?

Our video storytelling mentorship in Uganda originated in 2013 in a community of ‘sisters’, a mix of refugee girls from Sudan, DRC, and Rwanda and girls from the rural village of Nalweyo. On weekends, a Ugandan filmmaker and writer, Patience Nitumwesiga, traveled from...
A two-tiered approach to community lighting

A two-tiered approach to community lighting

Outdoor lighting facilities improve visibility and safety in public / remote areas, reduce the risk of SGBV, and lower the incidence of crime and vandalism, improving the lives of refugees. They also enable more community gatherings and social activities. Providing...
15 TED Talks on refugee resilience

15 TED Talks on refugee resilience

Feel like getting inspired today? Then look no further than these TED and TEDx Talks that highlight the resilience of refugees from all around the world. These are just a handful of voices representing the ingenuity of tens of millions of displaced persons and the...
The inventors of Azraq

The inventors of Azraq

Four years since the start of the conflict, some 625,000 Syrian refugees have fled for their lives to neighbouring Jordan, caught up in the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Azraq refugee camp was opened last year to help cope with the influx. The sturdy, metal...