A phrase I’ve often heard from colleagues when discussing ‘accountability’ is: ‘I know what I need to do, but not how to do it’. Moving beyond theory to the practical – to actually closing the feedback loop – is notoriously challenging. Especially in an emergency. How...
Boda Boda Talk Talk: an idea that worked A few years ago a friend working with Internews slapped a ‘Boda Boda Talk Talk’ sticker to my laptop and excitedly told me about the organization’s new project in South Sudan. Looking at the ‘BBTT’ emblazoned on my computer, I...
This is an excerpt from UNHCR’s recently released report: Beyond Technology | Innovation at UNHCR 2015. This report highlights and showcases some of the innovative approaches the organization is taking to address complex refugee challenges. If anyone still pictures a...
In late 2015, UNHCR – in collaboration with local partner AMIDEAST – established Tawasul, a humanitarian call centre in Yemen. Tawasul, meaning dialogue in Arabic, was the first of its kind in Yemen and shared humanitarian information through a toll-free number five...
Technical Top Trumps Having never worked with an innovation unit -let alone been in an innovation ‘Lab’ before-it’s fair to say I had an ‘innovation complex’ when starting as the Emergency Lab Manager. For many, innovation is synonymous with the use of technology....