Difference as personal power

Difference as personal power

This activity was developed by Jane Pirone and Barbara Adams for a series of speculative storytelling workshops titled “Collective Effervescence”. All artwork by Jane Pirone. Barbara Adams is a sociologist whose interdisciplinary research looks at how knowledge is...
Narrative shift: from saviourism to solidarity

Narrative shift: from saviourism to solidarity

This activity was developed by Jane Pirone and Barbara Adams for a series of speculative storytelling workshops titled “Collective Effervescence”. All artwork by Jane Pirone. Barbara Adams is a sociologist whose interdisciplinary research looks at how knowledge is...
Conjure a future

Conjure a future

This activity was developed by Jane Pirone and Barbara Adams for a series of speculative storytelling workshops titled “Collective Effervescence”. All artwork by Jane Pirone.” Barbara Adams is a sociologist whose interdisciplinary research looks at how knowledge is...


By Barbara Adams and Jane Pirone Colouring-set-1Download