Innovation Fellow Profile: Hamed Aghdam

Innovation Fellow Profile: Hamed Aghdam

Hamed Aghdam Field Assistant Duty Station: Tehran, Iran As we know, Iran has one of the most protracted refugee situations in the world. Living in exile for a long time, being a member of a conservative society that does not support people who have experienced traumas...
Innovation Fellow Profile: Salvator Cusimano

Innovation Fellow Profile: Salvator Cusimano

Salvator Cusimano Protection Assistant Duty Station: Valetta, Malta I’m addressing the challenge of how to provide information and monitor protection concerns outside of reception centres. In 2015, a record number of refugees arrived in Greece and Italy by sea, but...
Innovation Fellow Profile: Gulie Dore

Innovation Fellow Profile: Gulie Dore

Gulie Dore Field Associate Duty Station: Melkadida, Ethiopia I’m addressing the challenge of how to access an alternative cooking energy other than firewood. Despite the provision of Kerosene stoves and Kerosene fuel periodically for the refugees, the people of...
Innovation Fellow Profile: Rina Komiya

Innovation Fellow Profile: Rina Komiya

Rina Komiya Associate Protection Officer Duty Station: Kasulu, Tanzania I’m addressing the challenge of how to create more sustainable and empowered communications amongst refugees and with UNHCR at Nyarugusu. We are looking to address three challenges: the lack of...
Biking for schools in the DRC

Biking for schools in the DRC

9 Days 960 Miles 115 Incredible Vodafone Staff and €1,085,012 Million Euros Raised for Refugee Education. These numbers sum up the 2015 Deloitte Ride Across Britain, that took place this September with Vodafone Foundation helping to raise €1,085,012 funds for...
Innovation Fellow Profile: Anthony Toulany

Innovation Fellow Profile: Anthony Toulany

Anthony Toulany Senior Program Assistant Duty Station: Beirut, Lebanon I am addressing the challenge of how we can enhance program analysis. Program analysis is usually done to evaluate the current situation of the operating budget or plan. Usually this process is...