Anjali Katta was previously an intern at the Innovation Service and supported UNHCR’s Malawi operation for a specific assessment around the information and communication needs of refugees in Dzaleka camp. This is her reflection around the experience and...
The refugee and connectivity equation When hundreds of thousands of refugees started to flee South Sudan in the summer of 2016 and settle in West Nile, a remote rural region of Uganda, the roads were in poor condition, there was limited access to electricity, and...
Today, we are seeing an unprecedented number of people forced to flee, leaving their homes behind and moving towards an uncertain future. What we are not seeing, is adequate and coordinated responses to large-scale movements and appropriate solutions for refugees and...
How an innovative partnership with the media delivers mutual benefits in Angola. The night the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) was evacuated from its office building in Luanda, Angola, journalists helped Margarida Loureiro carry her boxes to her apartment. At the time,...
Defining it as one of the solutions to address the widening gap between humanitarian needs and available resources, the former UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing proposed the Grand Bargain. Essentially, the Grand Bargain is an agreement...
Spoiler alert: There isn’t one. Closing the feedback loop is notoriously challenging. To correct and adapt our programming, we need to understand what doesn’t work, who it doesn’t work for, and what improvements or alternatives are needed. Based on this information,...