Epidemic Simulation Modelling of COVID-19 in refugee settlements
The simulation probabilistically determines what agents (refugees) do during the day.

Lights at Night in Aleppo Syria
Using nighttime satellite imagery above Aleppo, this project was able to demonstrate how light can be used to monitor humanitarian crises in conflict that prevents access to an area by humanitarian actors.

Call Detail Records (CDRs) Analysis: Turkey Case
This analysed anonymized CDRs provided by the telecom operator, Turk Telecom, to better understand refugee integration in Turkey.

Text analytics for online hate speech monitoring and protection
In 2016, the Innovation Service and UN Global Pulse used data from Twitter to monitor protection issues for the first time using artificial intelligence
Automatic Refugee Law Classification in Ref World (Fund winner)
Refworld is a UNHCR repository that contains much of the legal documentation on humanitarian affairs and refugee law, and many use it for easier access to legal precedents and court decisions in advancing their legal research.