New App Tells Refugees In Israel, ‘We See You’

New App Tells Refugees In Israel, ‘We See You’

It was something Natalia Nahra had noticed at every turn of her career. When people had trouble accessing good information, they struggled to make the best choices. It was true in the United States where she had practiced law; average employees strained to understand...
Increasing two-way communication with refugees on the move in Europe

Increasing two-way communication with refugees on the move in Europe

This essay was originally posted in the recently released report: UNHCR Innovation Service: Year in Review 2016. This report highlights and showcases some of the innovative approaches the organization is taking to address complex refugee challenges and discover new...
10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

A phrase I’ve often heard from colleagues when discussing ‘accountability’ is: ‘I know what I need to do, but not how to do it’. Moving beyond theory to the practical – to actually closing the feedback loop – is notoriously challenging. Especially in an emergency. How...
Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

The need for differentiation and the role of mass customization. No community is homogenous – meaning there is no ‘silver bullet’ or one ‘best channel’ to communicate via. Everybody accesses and consumes information in a different way – we are all unique....
Innovation or Imitation in Uganda

Innovation or Imitation in Uganda

Boda Boda Talk Talk: an idea that worked A few years ago a friend working with Internews slapped a ‘Boda Boda Talk Talk’ sticker to my laptop and excitedly told me about the organization’s new project in South Sudan. Looking at the ‘BBTT’ emblazoned on my computer, I...