10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship

10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship

Despite significant hardships, refugees are pushing the limits of what most people recognize as the general entrepreneur spirit. There is a resilience among refugee communities that enables them to thrive, not just to survive, and to be creative members of society....
11 New Year’s resolutions for humanitarian innovation

11 New Year’s resolutions for humanitarian innovation

2015 was a hard year to digest. Now every 1 in 122 humans is either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum. But a new year represents the opportunity to set goals and visions of what we hope 2016 will bring. And while New Year’s resolutions are often easy...
How the SDGs change the role of humanitarian innovation

How the SDGs change the role of humanitarian innovation

In the fanfare surrounding the release of the Sustainable Development Goals it may be easy to miss a shift in thinking that can have a dramatic impact on the role of Humanitarian innovators.  Our job as advocates and practitioners of innovation is about to get much...
How do you engage innovators?

How do you engage innovators?

This is an excerpt from UNHCR’s recently released report: Innovation at UNHCR 2014. This report highlights and showcases some of the innovative approaches the organization is taking to address complex refugee challenges. The word “engagement” can be a bit...
11 ways UNHCR staff are innovating

11 ways UNHCR staff are innovating

Have you heard the phrase, “innovation is just another buzzword in the humanitarian sector”? It’s something that I hear over and over again and a beloved phrase I’m not too fond of personally. It connotes the idea that innovation is just a trendy theme in the...