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Congo: second emergency distribution completed

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Congo: second emergency distribution completed

7 July 2000

Relief workers from UNHCR and NGOs successfully conducted a second emergency distribution Wednesday for Congolese refugees fleeing across the Congo and Ubangui rivers to the neighbouring Republic of Congo. More refugees are arriving by canoe each day, saying that fighting between rebels and government forces continues around several towns in Equateur Province.

Staff travelled upriver by canoe to Liranga and in a 12-hour operation distributed plastic sheeting, soap, blankets, jerry cans, cooking utensils, and hoes to 1,570 refugees. A medical team treated 245 people, mainly for diarrhoea and malaria. The number of Congolese in the fishing village had risen from 1,400 on Monday.

Authorities in Liranga yesterday ruled out movement further upriver because of security concerns.

UNHCR is preparing a barge with 15,000 blankets, 6,000 plastic sheets, 15 mts of soap, 64 mt of food and other relief supplies that will set off from Brazzaville in the next week.