Thematic discussions
Thematic discussions
Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Volker Türk

UNHCR convened five thematic discussions in the second half of 2017 to consider and generate ideas to be included in the programme of action for the Global Compact on Refugees. The meetings were held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
Member States and other stakeholders were invited to make written contributions to the process.
Thematic discussion one focused on one of the most critical issues the New York Declaration, in which 193 states made a milestone commitment to ‘a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees’. The meeting examined elements of past and present examples which have been most effective in protecting refugees and sharing responsibilities more equitably among States.
Relevant resources
- Summary conclusions for thematic discussion one
- Panel on current burden- and responsibility-sharing arrangements (video recordings available for part oneLink is external and part twoLink is external)
- Summary panel and conclusions (video recordingLink is external)
- Selected references
- Agenda
- Concept note
Side event
- Past burden- and responsibility-sharing arrangements (video recording)Link is external
Related news and stories

At a dialogue about sharing responsibility for refugees, stakeholders reflect on responses to earlier crises in Kosovo*, Guatemala and Viet Nam.

UNHCR protection chief Volker Türk tells stakeholders at a Geneva conference that rhetoric on responsibility sharing for refugees needs to be put into practice.
Thematic discussion two explored measures to be taken at the onset of a large movement of refugees, including the elements set out in the "Reception and admission" pillar of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). In addition, thematic discussion three addressed possible avenues for meeting needs and supporting communities, including the “Support for immediate and ongoing needs” and “Support for host countries and communities” pillars of the CRRF. In that sense, the two discussions covered a range of topics to be addressed in the compact’s programme of action to ensure that hosting countries have the adequate structures and support to prevent and respond to large refugee movements, including through predictable funding and capacity building.
Relevant resources
Individual summaries and video recordings for thematic discussion two:
- Opening plenary (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we better prepare for and respond rapidly to large movements of refugees? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we support States to receive large numbers of refugees in a safe and dignified manner?
- How can we support States to identify persons in need of international protection? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we address specific needs within large movements?
- Closing plenary (video recordingLink is external)
Individual summaries and video recordings for thematic discussion three:
- Opening plenary (video recording)Link is external
- How can we mobilize more resources for humanitarian and development assistance to host States? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we support the inclusion of refugees in national systems and services?
- How can we enhance economic inclusion and promote livelihood opportunities for refugees in a way that benefits host countries and communities? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we bring innovation to humanitarian assistance to achieve greater efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability?
- Closing plenary (video recordingLink is external)
- Agenda
- Concept note
Side events
- Protection at sea (video recordingLink is external)
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment in the global compact on refugees
- Education for refugees: Inclusion in national systems
- Refugee voices: Closing the refugee representation gap (video recordingLink is external)
- The comprehensive refugee response framework in practice
Related news and stories

Information note - Towards a global compact on refugees

Syrians can now apply for jobs in certain sectors, such as agriculture, construction, textiles and food.

Agreements with telecoms operators are helping South Sudanese families in the world's biggest refugee settlement connect with essential services.

Türk calls for long-term improvements in the lives of the displaced and their hosts.
Thematic discussion four focused on measures to be taken in pursuit of solutions, in accordance with the final pillar of the CRRF. Among other topics, this was an opportunity to explore ways through which States can ensure voluntary and sustainable return, expand access to resettlement, provide complementary pathways for admission and improve local solutions in hosting communities. Thematic discussion five then covered issues that cut across all four substantive sections of the comprehensive refugee response framework, and overarching issues. This last discussion addressed cross-cutting issues such as the root causes of large refugee movements, the importance of a whole-of-society response to address these movements and protracted situations, as well as the role of regional institutions towards the establishment of comprehensive refugee responses.
Relevant resources
Individual summaries and video recordings for thematic discussion four:
- Opening plenary (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we support voluntary and sustainable return? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we expand access to resettlement? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we expand access to complementary pathways for admission? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we make local solutions work for refugees and the communities in which they live? (video recordingLink is external)
- Closing plenary (video recordingLink is external)
Individual summaries and video recordings for thematic discussion five:
- Opening plenary (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we address the root causes of large movements of refugees? (video recordingLink is external)
- How can we ensure a whole-of-society response to large movements of refugees and protracted situations? (video recordingLink is external)
- In what ways can regional institutions contribute to comprehensive refugee responses? (video recordingLink is external)
- Closing plenary (video recordingLink is external)
- Agenda
- Concept note
Side event
Related news and stories

Argentina is among a group of countries in South America that have agreed to accept more resettled refugees.

UNHCR holds talks on how to share responsibility more fairly, as part of a process to draw up a global compact on refugees.