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Provisional annotated agenda (23-25 June 1998)

Executive Committee Meetings

Provisional annotated agenda (23-25 June 1998)

25 May 1998


(23-25 June 1998)

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Adoption of the draft report of the eleventh meeting of the Standing Committee (28 and 29 April 1998)

The draft report of the eleventh meeting of the Standing Committee, which was held on 28 and 29 April 1998, is contained in document EC/48/SC/CRP.21.

3. International Protection

The Standing Committee will consider the following items, each of which will be introduced and discussed separately:

(i) Note on International Protection (EC/48/SC/CRP.27)

(ii) Composite Flows and the Relationship to Refugee Outflows, Including Return of Persons not in Need of International Protection, as well as Facilitation of Return in its Global Dimension (EC/48/SC/CRP.29)

(iii) Progress Report on Informal Consultations on the Provision of International Protection to all who Need it (EC/48/SC/CRP.32)

(iv) Oral report on the Exclusion Clauses

(v) Note on Resettlement of Refugees with Special Needs (EC/48/SC/CRP.28)

4. Situation reports

The Standing Committee will receive an oral report on the mission of the Chairman of the Executive Committee to the Great Lakes region of Africa and review UNHCR's activities in Africa. The following situation reports will be introduced and discussed as a cluster:

(i) Update on Regional Developments in Central, East and West Africa (EC/48/SC/CRP.24)

(ii) Update on Developments in the Great Lakes Region of Africa (EC/48/SC/CRP.25)

(iii) Update on Developments in the Southern African Region (EC/48/SC/CRP.23)

5. Programme and funding matters

Under this agenda item the Standing Committee will consider an Update on Programme and Funding Projections for 1998 and Tentative Estimates for the 1999 General Programmes Target (EC/48/SC/CRP.26).

6. Protection/Programme policy issues

Under this agenda item the Standing Committee will consider an oral report on refugee women.

7. Oversight issues

The Standing Committee will have before it Audit Follow-up: Financial Management and Programme Management (EC/48/SC/CRP.30).

8. Governance issues

The Standing Committee will give final consideration to the selection of the Annual Theme for the forty-ninth session of the Executive Committee. A draft decision will be before the Standing Committee.

9. Management, financial and human resources matters

A Note on Safety of UNHCR Staff (EC/48/SC/CRP.31) will be before the Standing Committee for consideration.

10. Any other business