Report of the Working Group on Solutions and Protection
Report of the Working Group on Solutions and Protection
No. 66 (XLII) - 1991
The Executive Committee,
Accepting with appreciation the Report of the Working Group on Solutions and Protection to the forty-second session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme (Document (EC/SCP/64);
(a) Decides to request the High Commissioner to convene such inter-sessional meetings of the Sub-Committee of the Whole on International Protection as may be necessary to continue the constructive discussions on pending issues of the Report of the Working Group, as well as on other relevant protection matters, and to seek consensus on action-oriented follow-up, as appropriate, of the Report, its recommendations, and the other relevant matters;
(b) Recognizes the possibility, in this connection, for the Sub-Committee to utilise outside expertise as appropriate;
(c) Decides further to request the High Commissioner to report to the Executive Committee at its forty-third session on progress in the deliberations of the Sub-Committee.