World Refugee Day 2023

ARDCRefugee Labor Analysis

June 11, 2023 – The event hosted by included a presentation of the latest labor market analysis to explore opportunities for the economic inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Israel to match refugees’ skills, training, and potential with Israel’s economic and labor needs. The Mindset-PCS team conducted the research on behalf of HIAS International, HIAS Israel, and ARDC, resulting in interesting findings and possible areas of collaboration for opening a pathway for economic and social inclusion for refugees in Israeli society.
Photos curtesy of ARDC

Melat speaking about her experience as an asylum seeker student at the ARDC event hosted by Photo: ARDC

Rogozin High school and UNHCRYouth and Hope

June 15, 2023 – This year, the event focused on inclusion and opportunities through education of Youth asylum seekers. The event included Special remarks by UNHCR Representative, Mr. Mathijs le Rutte, and Rogozin School Headmaster Jalal Touche, followed by a film trailer screening: ‘Going Far’ documenting the accounts of four young Eritrean women and concluded with a panel Discussion with Youth: Asylum Seeker’s path to inclusion in Israel.

Media coverage: Haaretz’ Bar Peleg and Shira Kadari-Ovadia on Rogozin’s graduating class and their uncertain future

Going Far, a literary project by asylum seeker students that documents the journeys from Eritrea to Israel from the perspective of the young women
UNHCR representative Mathijs Le Rutte with Rogozin headmaster Jalal Tuche

Hotline for Refuges, Elifelet, ARDC and UNHCRMeeting Through Culture

June 16, 2023

An open, family-friendly event, featuring live DJ Dargham, art exhibition by four asylum-seeking artists: Selam Mamush, Tsegay Berhe, Dawit Yrgaw, and Naka Pitia, a fashion and crafts sale by Kuchinate – an arts-based economic and psycho-social collective for African asylum-seeking women, a sale by fashion designer Lyly Kalupa, book sales: “Josefine and the Dolphin” by Moran Mekaml, and “Documents” by Nir Sananes and Salah Abu-Musa, waving braids stand and more!

Media coverage: Jerusalem Post’s Joanie Margulies wrote about the event: Tel Aviv’s International Refugee Day celebration marks resilience through art.

Going Far, a literary project by asylum seeker students that documents the journeys from Eritrea to Israel from the perspective of the young women

The Negev Refugee Center in Be’er Sheva – Community-Based Events

June 19, 2023 – Special Activities for children of asylum seekers and refugees; June 20, 2023 – “You can’t ask that” Pub Talk; June 21, 2023 – Afrobeat Party; June 30, 2023 – African Cultures Festival


See their Facebook for photos of the successful events. Photos courtesy of the Refugee Negev Center

Negev Refugee Center

Israeli Friends of Ukraine – Ethnic Village
June 23, 2023

This is the second festival of Ukrainian culture which included a cultural fair with folklore art and crafts stands, music and performances of Ukrainians in Israel, Key speakers: The Ukraine Ambassador to Israel, Kiev City Council Member, UNHCR Representative in Israel, as well as other guests.

A trailer of the forthcoming Kan 11 program on Ukraine Youth in Israel was screened during the event.

More photos can be found here.

Credit: UNHCR
Israeli Friends of Ukraine

 HIAS, UNHCR, Be’er Sheva Municipality, Kivunim and Tech for Changes– Celebrating World Refugee Day with the Ukrainian Refugee Community in Be’er Sheva

June 29, 2023

Cultural faire with folklore art, fashion, special children’s entertainment, music, networking, and Q&A with organizations regarding employment, legal and health issues.
Photos courtesy of: Mirakova Ekaterina

Israeli Friends of Ukraine
children at the Ukrainian Culture celebration in Be'er Sheva