Get Involved

Thank you for your interest in UNHCR Israel. The office number for inquiries is 03-6376500

Our phone reception hours are as stated above.

During the month of July 2024 we will have limited phone reception hours due to reduced staff capacity:

The phone reception will be in the morning from 9 to 11am on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays.
UNHCR can also be reached by email at [email protected]

UNHCR Israel meets people at our office premises by appointment only. There are no drop-in hours.

To contact UNHCR’s Global Headquarters in Geneva, click here.


For media queries or interview requests, please contact:

Sharon Harel, Associate Communication/Public Information Officer, [email protected] Tel: 03-637-6504


Stay up to date on our latest news and stories


UNHCR needs everyone’s help to continue providing life-saving protection to families forced to flee their homes. Donating is an easy process. You can give any amount and all of it will go straight to UNHCR’s refugee programmes around the world. Click here to make a donation. If you have questions about making a donation, please visit our frequently asked questions section.

For material assistance to refugees and asylum seekers locally in Israel, there are several non-governmental organizations you can contact. If you have specific inquiries, please email us at [email protected].


Work with us

Job openings in UNHCR Israel are advertised here on our website (when there are open vacancies) and job openings abroad are advertised on the global UNHCR Jobs Portal

Apply for Senior Programme AssistantJob Posting End Date June 3



To learn more about pursuing an internship with UNHCR globally, click here or write us at [email protected].



Learn about the volunteering process by visiting UN Volunteers. There are also opportunities for online volunteers with the Online Volunteer service.

To volunteer locally with refugees and asylum-seekers in Israel, there are various non-governmental organizations you can contact. This may include helping schoolchildren with their homework, teaching adults computer skills or languages, or organizing and collecting donations. For details, please email us at [email protected].


Teaching Materials and Model United Nations

To help the public and children of all ages learn about refugee issues, UNHCR has produced a range of teaching materials and online resources for teachers. To find out more, visit our Education and Teaching about Refugees sections, where you can also learn about how students can participate in Model United Nations and the Model United Nations Refugees Challenge 2020.


UNHCR Complaints Procedure

In cases of misconduct, make a complaint.