Report of the International Refugee Organization on resettlement of non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons Resolution of 9 March 1949 (document E/1251)
Report of the International Refugee Organization on resettlement of non-repatriable refugees and displaced persons Resolution of 9 March 1949 (document E/1251)
E/RES/208 (VIII)
The Economic and Social Council,
Notes the report submitted by the International Refugee Organization1 in implementation of Council resolution 157 (VII);
Approves the efforts made so far by the IRO to extend the resettlement of refugees in family units;
Stresses the necessity for continuing such efforts, through negotiations with countries receiving displaced persons; and
Requests receiving countries to examine sympathetically every possibility:
(a) Of still further broadening their definition of the family unit when drawing up their resettlement programmes;
(b) Of admitting a greater proportion of intellectual refugees and of assisting in their professional readaptation where necessary
1 See document E/1092.