Dutch National Postcode Lottery makes unearmarked 1 million euro donation
Dutch National Postcode Lottery makes unearmarked 1 million euro donation
Yesterday, UNHCR received an unearmarked 1 million euro donation from the National Postcode Lottery (NPL), the main charity lottery in the Netherlands. This is the third time that the NPL has given financial support to UNHCR since 2003, when we became one of the lottery's beneficiaries.
The NPL is the top private fundraiser for charity in the Netherlands. It devotes 60 percent of its net income to work in the fields of nature preservation and ecology, development co-operation, human rights and refugees. It also supports UNHCR's NGO partner Stichting Vluchteling and the Dutch Refugee Council. Stichting Vluchteling has so far given UNHCR US$6.8 million for the tsunami operations - or more than two-thirds of the total of US$9.4 million UNHCR has so far received in confirmed contributions from the private sector.