Your Help, Will Change the Lives of Refugees
In 2021, UNHCR was able to reach 11,700 global families refugee with lifesaving and life-changing support.
Imagine if you did not donate, then the lifeline would be reversed, removing the life-changing support we give to these thousands of refugees.
UNHCR estimates that global forced displacement likely exceeded 84 million by mid-2021. An estimated 42% of the forcibly displaced people are children below 18 years of age. Developing countries hosted 85 percent of the world’s refugees and those displaced abroad.
Reaching over 12 countries, UNHCR’s Ramadan campaign aims to support the most vulnerable displaced people, uprooted by ongoing crises in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and Pakistan
In Ramadan, UNHCR will act as a bridge between people like yourself who are looking to make an impactful giving during the holy month, and those who need it the most.
Your donation means medicine for an elderly in need of urgent medical care, a safe roof over the head of a widowed mother and her children, a warm meal on an iftar table, or clean drinking water.
You can also donate to refugees via the following link: Ramadan Untuk Pengungsi | UNHCR Indonesia
Whatever your donation, it will make a difference to the lives of the refugees.
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