Kenya’s Makonde people finally obtain papers

Kenya’s Makonde people finally obtain papers

Kenya’s stateless Makonde people finally obtain papers They came as labourers from Mozambique in the 1930s, but only now are their descendants getting the identity papers they need to work, vote and study. NAIROBI, Kenya – Amina Kassim would like to register to vote...
I am Here, I Belong

I am Here, I Belong

I AM HERE, I BELONG The Urgent Need to End Childhood Statelessness Download ReportLearn More ; Stateless children are born into a world in which they will face a lifetime of discrimination; their status profoundly affects their ability to learn and grow, and to fulfil...
The lost children of Côte d’Ivoire

The lost children of Côte d’Ivoire

The lost children of Côte d’Ivoire Denied a nationality and deprived of their basic human rights, stateless people in Côte d’Ivoire cannot go to high school, get a formal job, open a bank account, own land, travel freely or vote. Far from being a problem that affects...
Thousands of stateless people given nationality in Thailand

Thousands of stateless people given nationality in Thailand

Thousands of stateless people given nationality in Thailand GENEVA, Dec 1 (UNHCR) – The UN Refugee Agency has welcomed an announcement by the Royal Thai Government that more than 18,000 stateless people have been granted nationality in Thailand in the last three...
The importance of being registered

The importance of being registered

  The importance of being registered The indigenous Ngöbe Bugle people live a cross border life in their ancestral territories straddling Costa Rica and Panama. This traditional lifestyle contributed to a risk of becoming stateless, but a UNHCR supported project...

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