
© UNHCR/Flavia Sanchez

HEA Phase II

3 of the original 13 innovations have been selected to receive funding of up to USD 200,000 – to be used towards internal capacity building in M&E and investments in research, project implementation and scaling. A fully funded external evaluation for the final 3 selected innovations will be provided.


The Little Ripples  programme in Chad  is a self-sustaining, refugee community-led model providing quality child-centred pre-primary (3–5 yrs) care that supports children’s social emotional, cognitive & physical development​.

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Madrasati Initiative

The Masahati after-school remedial support programme for Syrian students attending national schools in Jordan focusses on social cohesion and SEL.​

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Cohere (formerly Xavier Project)

The refugee community-led model in Uganda supports children with disabilities to access quality education. ​

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5 of the Stage 1 innovations progressed to Stage 2, where they received tailored mentorship and further capacity building support on research, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and scaling over 3 months.


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Cohere (formerly Xavier Project)

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In Stage 1, the 13 teams received capacity building by experts in scaling innovations, M&E and partnerships  during a week-long Virtual Scaling Bootcamp.

Basmeh & Zeitooneh

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Education Development Trust

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Play Action International

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Simbi Foundation

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The Luminos Fund

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Cohere (formerly Xavier Project)

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COVID Challenge

Amal Alliance/Ustad Mobile – Colors of Kindness

Colors of Kindness is a social emotional learning (SEL) podcast that provides SELF-centered materials (audio instruction, exercises and assessment instruments) to learners and their caregivers, as a during and post-COVID solution, to bridge the learning gap to disruptions in education. Utilizing the Ustad Mobile learning management system for the pilot, lessons and content can be accessed on and offline to manage classes, set assignments and monitor student progress.

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Mosaik – Open Dogme Toolkit

Mosaik’s Open Dogme Toolkit aims to support English language teachers of refugee youth to maintain the interactive and human side of English Language Teaching (ELT) during COVID-19 and beyond. The training provides teachers with online training on ‘Dogme’ strategies, facilitation guides for mobile-based teaching, and a community of practice.

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M-Shule is an SMS learning platform that leverages artificial intelligence to deliver tailored, self-paced and curriculum-aligned content to primary school learners based on their specific grade, performance and needs, all through basic phones and text message.

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HEA Phase I 2016-2019


Kepler partners with Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) to provide a blended online university programme in Kigali and in Kiziba Refugee Camp, in Rwanda. The programme pairs online learning with in-person instruction and work experience opportunities, resulting in students earning fully accredited U.S. bachelor’s degrees.

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World University Service of Canada (WUSC) – Equity in Education

The Equity in Education project aims to improve learning for vulnerable refugee and host community girls via remedial classes, community engagement and peer to peer support networks.

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Libraries Without Borders – Ideas Box

The Ideas Box is a fully equipped autonomous, mobile multimedia library that provides tools for learning, play, connecting and creativity. Libraries Without Borders works with partner NGOs and humanitarian actors, who run community centres, child-friendly spaces or operate in refugee camps and emergency settings to implement their programming.

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Essence of Learning

Essence of Learning is an integrated pedagogical, psychosocial learning programme that uses everyday recycled materials in an innovative approach to promote children’s ability to learn, preparing children in conflict and crisis situations for a successful reintegration into school.

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War Child Holland – Can’t Wait to Learn

Can’t Wait to Learn uses innovative, cost-effective and locally adapted digital game-based learning technology solutions to increase the number of conflict-affected children with access to quality education in maths and literacy.

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