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What is the UNHCR Assessment and Monitoring Resource Centre?

The UNHCR Assessment and Monitoring Resource Center provides UNHCR colleagues and partners with access to tools and guidance to design and implement assessment and monitoring exercises effectively, from emergencies to protracted situations, and for different objectives.

The site is not an exhaustive resource on assessment and monitoring but consolidates UNHCR tools and materials previously scattered across various platforms into a single, accessible space, guiding our colleagues and partners through the process.  

The Assessment and Monitoring Resource Centre is not a replacement for existing UNHCR guidelines and should be treated as complementary to existing UNHCR guidance such as the UNHCR Need Assessment Handbook and Assessment Chapter of the UNHCR Programme Handbook.

What does the Resource Centre Cover?

Both assessments and monitoring involve data collection, but they serve different purposes. Assessments gather information to understand situations and needs, while monitoring tracks progress and identifies issues. For additional clarification the definition of both terms has been included below:

Assessments involve the systematic gathering and analysis of information on the situation, needs, conditions, and capacities of forcibly displaced and stateless persons, by highlighting gaps between the current situations and standards.

Assessments are important for UNHCR and our partners to understand underlying causes and challenges and identify how they can use their capacities to address relevant issues. They inform operational strategic thinking, programme design, resource allocation, prioritization, assistance targeting and programme adjustments.

Monitoring  is the routine gathering and analysis of information to: 

  • Measure progress towards planned results (impact, outcome, output).
  • Track if activities are being implemented in a timely and quality manner within allocated resources, and in compliance with contractual obligations. 
  • Identify developments in the operational context which affect the response.
  • Identify violations of rights and protection risks of forcibly displaced and stateless persons.

    How is the Resource Centre set up?

    The Assessment and Monitoring Resource Center is set up with four simple tabs related to the phases of an assessment and monitoring exercise:

    • Design: Define objectives, methodology, workplan, and budget.
    • Collect: Develop the questionnaire, train enumerators, and implement.
    • Analyze: Check, clean, and analyze your data, and interpret your results.
    • Use: Communicate and report findings and inform decisions and actions.

    The structure of the site allows users to go through the phases in a systematic way that makes sure that key steps are not skipped along the way.

    The guidelines and tools provided on the site are not necessarily sequential, and many of the steps that the resources support will overlap and be used at the same time.

    Who is the Resource Centre for?

    The Resource Center caters to a broad audience, including UNHCR colleagues and partners at all levels. While not everyone will need every resource, everyone can find helpful materials and gain a better understanding of assessment and monitoring processes. This fosters improved coordination and collaboration within UNHCR and with partners.

    How can people give feedback and contribute?

    Content and materials are provided by various UNHCR units, ensuring input from colleagues with diverse expertise. We appreciate the contributions of colleagues at both headquarters and in the field. The site is regularly updated to reflect evolving needs and practices, and user feedback is crucial for further improvement. Please share your suggestions!