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Operational Data Portal

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UNHCR's Operational Data Portal (ODP) provides a platform through which operational information can be externally shared among partners on the ground, donors, experts, and staff. The Operational Data Portal fulfils an institutional responsibility to facilitate the sharing of detailed operational information, most prominently population figures. The portals have proven to be an authoritative source for up-to-date information during refugee emergencies, such as the recent Ukraine or Sudan emergency responses, while the introduction of country views created a space to provide a comprehensive picture of UNHCR’s efforts related to every person we serve, including refugees, IDPs and stateless populations. 

As with other organizations with coordination mandates, UNHCR is required to organize and disseminate data quickly for operational purposes.  Colleagues – both internal and external – require granular and macro-level population figures that reflect the reality on the ground, that have been quickly processed at country level for immediate action.  They also require the latest needs assessments, monitoring reports, security reports and maps to conduct their daily operational tasks. As well, donors have an expectation of transparency into UNHCR’s operations that the ODP helps satisfy.  The ODP gives UNHCR a voice with its operational data in the interagency landscape and a platform from which to provide evidence to drive the decisions that benefit the populations UNHCR supports.

Guidance on the use of the Operational Data Portal can be found here.

For UNHCR colleagues, additional guidance can be found here.