Student contest on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
Duration: 27 November 2020 – 15 February 2021
The United Nations is marking its 75th anniversary this year at a time of great challenge, including the worst global health emergency in its history. Covid-19 is a stark reminder of the need for cooperation across borders, sectors and generations as well as for equal access to rights, such as the right to healthcare.
The lives of today’s children and the future of the whole world depend on how we will meet the current global challenges such as climate change, poverty, inequalities, persisting conflicts, migration, forced displacement and the rapid changes in our populations and digital technologies.
On the occasion of this landmark anniversary, the UN and organizations working on human rights and the rights of refugees and migrants for many years in Greece, alongside teachers’ associations, invite students across the country to creatively express their views on the future they dream of, participating in the student contest entitled: “The UN turns 75. We shape today the future we imagine”.
In the framework of the global dialogue on the future of the United Nations, we call on children and teenagers to reflect creatively and share their views, concerns and dreams on what kind of future they want to create, whether the world is on track and what actions are needed to bridge the gap.
Primary (Kindergarten, 4th, 5th & 6th grade) and secondary school students (1st, 2nd, 3rd Junior High grades & 1st grade of High School) throughout Greece, including refugee students attending reception classes and non-formal education centers, are encouraged to participate in the contest. Entries can be in the form of videos, essays, posters, sketches, and comics.
Due to the current conditions and protective measures against Covid-19 as well as the temporary application of distance learning, individual student entries are encouraged. Teachers can submit student works through an online from after they have discussed the theme of the contest in the class within the school curriculum. Students of primary and secondary education can also participate in the contest outside the school curriculum by submitting their works online with the help of their parents, guardians or caregivers.
The deadline for the online submission of entries is by 15 February 2021. Students’ entries will be submitted by their teachers or parents, guardians, or caregivers by filing out the form available here:
A special committee consisting of members of the organizations running the contest will assess all entries and the best entry per grade will receive a hybrid tablet as an award. Other entries that will excel will receive symbolic gifts, while all participants will be given commemorative diplomas for their participation. UNHCR and the members of the organizing committee will publicize the best works on the internet and elsewhere.
The student contest on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations is organized by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in cooperation with UNRIC – the UN Regional Information Center (Office for Greece and Cyprus), the UNICEF Office in Greece, the International Organization for Migration (IOM Office in Greece), the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), the Panhellenic Association of Arts Teachers, the Panhellenic Association of Literature Teachers and the Hellenic Theatre/ Drama and Education Network (TENet).
See more on the contest’s categories, detailed instructions and useful sources here:
For more information contact: Popi Dionysopoulou,
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