“Music is a power that humans have, wherever you are”
At that time, Venezuela’s economy had collapsed, and Ebert’s family was struggling. There were shortages of food, of medicines and other basic essentials. He had gone to university but felt he had no choice but to drop out to support his family. Then, when the company he worked for closed its doors, life became even more of a daily struggle. Ebert’s brother had already left, and this young man full of dreams and music decided his best option was to leave as well.
“That day I had to leave my country, it was painful. I said goodbye and that day it was raining. In Valencia, we took a bus to a city on the border with Colombia. There began The Odyssey.”
Ebert spent the next two weeks on the road, travelling through Colombia and Ecuador to reach Peru.
The cold was much too much. I had to sleep on the street.
That journey has inspired his music. His song explores how he left his home in Venezuela with a broken heart, to pursue his destiny. He describes the borders and roads he crossed in order to travel from harm to hope.
Borders are only in the mind.
For Ebert, music gives him a sense of home – wherever he is. When he is singing and playing his guitar, he feels he is in the right place and that he has his own power.
And thanks to regular donors like you, Ebert has been able to build a new life in Peru. UNHCR helped him with finding a safe place to live with a family who can support him as he builds a new life here.
Arriving in Peru, Ebert has learnt many things and had a chance to pursue his dreams, including through music. Playing music has given him confidence, and helped him to feel safe and confident.
In Peru I feel much safer in many ways.
UNHCR provides urgent humanitarian assistance to refugees like Ebert. Between 2020 and 2022, you helped us to support 490,000 refugees arriving from Venezuela to Peru, including Ebert.
I feel like this is why I was born: to sing, to play, to bring joy.
You can learn to play and sing Ebert’s song, and discover for yourself the power of his music.
Learn to play and sing
Ebert’s song
Ebert’s keen to share his talent with you. You
can learn the music and lyrics of his heartfelt
songs for yourself.
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Learn the story behind Ebert's song
Ebert endured the long and dangerous journey from Venezuela to Peru on foot, on buses, and by hitching rides. His music has helped him process the traumas he has faced.
“We left everything in Venezuela”
Economic instability and a lack of opportunity in Venezuela have led to millions of people leaving their country in search of a stable, more secure future. Young mothers and children, the elderly and disabled people are among those leaving, facing many barriers as they do so.
Learn to play and
sing Ebert’s song
Ebert’s keen to share his talent with you.
You can learn the music and lyrics
of his heartfelt songs for yourself.