GBV Information Management

Data collection and analysis is the backbone of results-based programming. It is critical to the effectiveness of targeted service delivery, advocacy, policy development, and accountability and monitoring. While empirical data on the nature and prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence has increased in recent years, not enough information about GBV is available to the humanitarian community. Data is needed to inform programming and ensure progress. However, any data collection or sharing must strictly adhere to confidentiality requirements.
This page provides some key references and tools on different aspects of GBV IM.
GBV IM Standards and Guiding Principles
GBV Coordination IM
- Service mapping and 3-5Ws
- Establishing Gender-Based Violence Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for multi-sectoral and inter-organizational prevention and response to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings
- Regional Safe Spaces Network Toolkit – Coordination and Standards for Cross-border Programming
Incident Monitoring
- UNHCR’s Engagement in the Implementation of the Protection Mechanisms Established by Security Council Resolutions 1612 and 1960 (MRM and MARA)
- Provisional Guidance Note: Intersections between the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA) and The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)
Programme Monitoring
GBV Needs Assessment
- Needs Assessment Handbook
- Safety Audit Toolkit – In progress
- Tools to Assess and Mitigate GBV Among Urban Refugees – WRC
- GBV Assessment Tools Manual – RHRC