Effective coordination is essential to ensure better protection, assistance, and lasting solutions for PoC. Partnership and good coordination to address GBV enhances effective response, reduces duplication, ensures standards are met, and increases accountability to affected populations.
Coordinating a GBV response in a refugee context
The Refugee Coordination Model (RCM) is the basis for leading and coordinating refugee operations; it is an articulation of our shared duty towards refugees, and a statement of both an integrated humanitarian vision and a distinct responsibility.
Coordinating a GBV response in a mixed situation
The RCM provides the framework and the principles through which refugee and mixed situations are to be approached. See the UNHCR-OCHA Joint Note on Mixed Situations for more information.

Coordinating a GBV response in situations of internal displacement
In internal displacement contexts, UNHCR leads on protection, while UNFPA leads the GBV Area of Responsibility and the sub-cluster at country level.
The Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility is the global level forum for coordination and collaboration under the cluster approach on GBV prevention and response in humanitarian settings. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been the sole lead Agency of the GBV AoR since April 2016. UNHCR is a member of the GBV AoR.
There are a number of task teams of the AoR that UNHCR also participates in. More information can be found on the AoR website.
Global initiatives
Call to Action (CtA)
UNHCR is a member of the CtA and is committed to working in partnership to achieve the roadmap outcomes. In 2020 a new roadmap 2020-2025 was launched. More information can be found here.
Safe from the Start (SftS)
The goal of the US SftS framework is: To reduce the incidence of GBV and ensure quality services for survivors from the very onset of emergencies through timely and effective humanitarian action.
UNHCR is implementing SftS and updates can be found on the
The GBV Accountability Framework: All Humanitarian Actors have a Role to Play
The GBV Accountability Framework provides a guide for humanitarian actors, from service providers to GBV coordinators and humanitarian leaders and donors, on the steps they can take to combat GBV within their mandates.