For businesses
For businesses
Refugee Employment Platforms (REPs) connect you directly with refugee talent, help you to navigate the country-level legal and administrative framework, and provide guidance, good practices, resources, networks, and recent data on jobseeker skills and experience profiles.
© UK for UNHCR/Ioana Epure
Are you a business looking to recruit refugees?
Find here clear guidance on employing refugees and stateless people, including on the country-specific legal and administrative frameworks, plus useful resources and success stories.
Resources for businesses
General guidance for businesses
- Engaging with employers in the hiring of refugees - A 10-point multi-stakeholder action plan for employers, refugees, governments and civil society | UNHCR
- A New Home at Work: An Employer's Guidebook to Fostering Inclusion for Refugee Employees
- Bridging Language & Work - The Tent Partnership for Refugees
Please consider donating today
Your gift can help protect someone forced to flee their home due to conflict or persecution.