Non-Governmental Organizations in Ireland
Non-Governmental Organizations in Ireland
These local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) can provide refugees with legal or social support.
- Irish Refugee Council is external
The Irish Refugee Council is a national non-governmental organisation which specialises in working with and for refugees in Ireland, focusing primarily on working with people in the asylum system who are applying to be recognised as refugees. The Irish Refugee Council operates a drop-in support service as well as a law centre and runs campaigns on issues relating to asylum.
- Legal Aid Board is external
The Legal Aid Board are the body charged with providing legal aid in Ireland. They operate the Refugee Legal Service which provides confidential and independent legal services to persons applying for asylum in Ireland. Legal aid can help you if you cannot afford to pay a solicitor privately, by providing legal advice and representation in court.
- Immigrant Council of Ireland is external
The Immigrant Council of Ireland is an Independent Law Centre which can provide assistance and legal representation to individuals regarding their immigration status. This is a free, but limited, service for particularly complex situations or cases that give rise to specific policy concerns.
The Immigrant Council of Ireland also operates an Information and Support Service which provides confidential information about issues within the Irish immigration system. If you have any questions regarding immigration rights, visas, family reunification or any other query in this area, the Hotline is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-1pm at (01) 674 0200.
The Immigrant Council also operate an anti-racism hotline which provides support, information and appropriate referrals to people who have experienced or witnessed racist incidents in Ireland. The Racism Hotline is available for telephone consultations on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, between 10am and 12.30pm and 2pm and 4.30pm and can be contacted on(01) 645 8058
- Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC): is external
FLAC is an Independent Law Centre offering free and confidential legal information and advice to the public. FLAC operate a telephone information and referral line, legal advice centres and online legal information.
Nasc works to link migrants and ethnic minorities to their rights through protecting human rights, promoting integration and campaigning for change as well as providing a free legal service. NASC is based in Cork and so provides support mainly to those based in the South of the country.
- IOM Ireland is external
Established in 1951, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration, providing services and advice to governments and migrants with the aim of promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. In Ireland, IOM provides assistance with voluntary return, family reunification, counter-trafficking and resettlement.
- Irish Red Cross is external
In Ireland the Red Cross work on various issues of concern to public health and building awareness. The work of the irish Red Cross most relevant to asylum seekers and refugees is their work in restoring family links which is a key part of their mandate in Ireland.
Spirasi provides support to survivors of torture who are asylum seekers, refugees, or other disadvantaged migrant groups. Spirasi provide medical diagnoses and therapeutic rehabilitation programs, support with navigating Ireland’s legal system and educational classes aimed at helping clients’ integration into Irish society.
- Crosscare Refugee Service is external
Crosscare Refugee Service (formerly Vincentian Refugee Centre) is an information, advocacy and referral organisation for people with Stamp 4 residency, Refugees and Asylum seekers. It is a project of Crosscare, the Social Care Agency of the Dublin Archdiocese.
Doras is based in Limerick and provides direct support services to asylum-seekers and refugees which includes a legal service and an advice and information centre as well as campaigning on policy and working on integration planning.
- Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is external
The Jesuit Refugee Service are an NGO which conducts advocacy work as well as providing a number of direct support services to refugees including language support,a school's integration programme and psychosocial support supports. JRS also visit immigration detainees, organise training for detention visitors and advocate for more just detention policies.
- Mayo Intercultural Action is external
Mayo Intercultural Action is a local community organisation promoting the positive effects of interculturalism and the meaningful participation of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and their families in all aspects of the community in County Mayo. Activities include delivery of integration projects in local communities, delivery of a project developing female migrant entrepreneurs, provision of information and support, group development, integration projects with asylum seekers such as arts, sports, gardening, etc.
- Migrant Rights Centre Ireland is external
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland is a national organisation working to promote justice, empowerment and equality for migrants and their families. MRCI operates an information and advice service and works in particular on issues of rights for undocumented migrants; identification and protection of victims of trafficking for forced labour; employment rights and protections for vulnerable workers in hidden or precarious sectors, including migrants in diplomatic households, au pairs, carers, domestic workers, and restaurant workers; ethnic profiling and access to education.
- New Communities Partnership is external
New Communities Partnership (NCP) is an independent national network of 175 immigrant led groups comprising of 65 nationalities with offices in Dublin and Cork with outreach to other cities. A comprehensive list of members can be found on their website.
- Clare Immigrant Support Centre (CISC) is external
Clare Immigrant Support Centre (CISC) provides a range of free services and programmes to immigrants including refugees and asylum seekers in County Clare, including a drop-in service, individual case support, english language programmes and community and outreach work.
- Immigrant Support Clinic, Kilkenny is external
The Immigrant Support Clinic offers free information, advice, advocacy and one to one support for immigrant communities in Kilkenny. Open on Mondays from 10 – 1pm, upstairs in the Fr. McGrath Family Resource Centre during term time only. Contact Theresa Delahunty on 086 1927033.
- Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC) is external
TIRC support integration between local and international communities in Tralee, Co. Kerry by providing support services to asylum seekers, refugees and broader immigrant communities in Tralee. They operate a drop-in facility and moderate inter-agency cooperation towards greater integration.
- The Killarney Asylum Seekers Initiative (KASI) is external
The Killarney Asylum Seekers Initiative operates a drop-in service and provides local community support including homework clubs and english language support.