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Reach Out

The Reach Out Refugee Protection Training project was initiated in 2001 by NGOs and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement in collaboration with UNHCR to train humanitarian staff in the basics of refugee protection.

Materials were developed around the Protecting Refugees: A Field Guide for NGOs (1999) and training has subsequently been delivered around the world to field-based humanitarian staff.

The Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Kit is based on the experience gained over those five years through this inter-agency project.

The debates on protection have evolved considerably since the creation of Reach Out. This revised set of training materials reflects many of those debates and includes additions of new modules to better serve humanitarian staff. The Training Kit was developed in consultation with a wide range of humanitarian actors and will provide an important contribution to the humanitarian community’s ability to better protect refugees.

The project itself closed on 30 November 2005, providing a legacy of training materials for humanitarian agencies to use and incorporate into their own training programmes and work. The inter-agency process of the Reach Out project has been a truly collaborative one, contributing to the quality of the products and the project’s enduring impact.

The full Training Kit is hosted on the website of the (link is external)International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)Link is external and on our website, where they can be downloaded in four languages: Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. It is hoped that the materials in the Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Kit will be used and adapted in order to better enable humanitarian agencies to incorporate refugee protection into their programming.

To obtain a copy of the Reach Out Training Kit, please contact ICVA's secretariat at

Copyright © 2005 Reach Out Refugee Protection Training Project

“All rights reserved. These materials are copyrighted. They may be reproduced by any method, but cannot be used for resale. Any reproduction or adaptation must acknowledge that the materials were prepared by Reach Out, and are subject to Reach Out’s copyright. ICVA should kindly be informed of any usage or adaptation of the materials at