UNHCR Egypt Office would like to establish frame agreements for the period of 2+1 years for the provision of Surveys for two the following to LOTS:
LOT A: Monitoring Cash Based Interventions in Egypt – for UNHCR Egypt
LOT B: HAUS survey/public opinion research and similar services
The required full TOR’s per attached Annex A.
Find attached ToR ‘s as (ANNEX A) about the requirement. Your offer shall be prepared in English and or Arabic. In case of error in the total, UNIT price will be considered for calculation.
Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested formats may not be taken into consideration. Your offer should be inclusive of taxes and duties. A vendor should provide the rates for the whole requirement in Annex A.
• Currency: EGP and/or USD
• Unit Cost: without tax + the percentage of applicable VAT/Taxes
• Cost of all services all inclusive: EGP/USD
The following annexes form integral part of this request for quotation:
Annex A: Detailed ToR documents
Annex B: Technical Proposal and technical evaluation criteria
Annex C: Financial Proposal
Annex D: UN Supplier Code of Conduct
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Annex E: Vendor Registration Form (June 2018 version)
Annex F: UNHCR General Terms and Conditions for Goods and services (July 2018 version)
2.0 Technical and Financial evaluation:
For the award of the Frame Agreements, UNHCR has established evaluation criteria which govern the selection of proposals received. Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis. The percentage assigned to each component is determined in advance as follows:
The Technical proposal will be evaluated using inter alia the following criteria and percentage distribution: 70% of the total score, as detailed in annex B
Financial proposal will be evaluated using inter-alia the following criteria and percentage distribution: 30 % from a total score of 300 points.
The cut-off points for submissions to be considered technically compliant will be 400 points of the total available technical score (700 points).
The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened and compared among those invited firms. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price; e.g., [total Price Component] x [US$ lowest] \ [US$ other] = points for other supplier’s Price Component.
For evaluation purposes only, the proposals submitted in currency other than US Dollars will be converted into US Dollars using the United Nations rate of exchange in effect on the date the submissions are due.
Each LOT will be evaluated and awarded separately.
IMPORTANT: The Financial proposal will only be opened for evaluation if the supplier’s technical part of the proposal has scored the min obtainable marks by UNHCR’s technical evaluation team and has complied with all pass/fail requirements.
2. RFQ Submission
We would appreciate receiving your quotation on or before 22 May 2023 @ 11:00 AM. The quotations must be accompanied with the below mentioned documents.
All docs could be downloaded from here :RFQ docs
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