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PeacePlayers Welcome Refugee Children to their Summer Camp Programme

PeacePlayers Welcome Refugee Children to their Summer Camp Programme

Watching Cypriot and refugee children play basketball together in the cool mountain air of Agros would convince anyone that social integration and peaceful coexistence is possible and easy to achieve. They are children aged between 12 and 18, Greek Cypriots, Turkish...

Refugee Education Programme at KASA High school gives hope to young refugees

Refugee Education Programme at KASA High school gives hope to young refugees

Ελληνικά Fifteen young asylum-seekers, aged between 16-18 years old, are eagerly waiting for their Wednesday afternoon Greek lesson to start. It’s already the second week they are attending classes at KASA High School that has recently launched a Refugee Education Programme in the context of an agreement signed between UNHCR […]