Η Υ.Α. και ο Ο.Ο.Σ.Α. παρουσιάζουν σχέδιο δράσης για την προώθηση της εργασιακής απασχόλησης των προσφύγων
Η Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους Πρόσφυγες (Υ.Α.) και ο Οργανισμός Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης (Ο.Ο.Σ.Α.) παρουσίασαν σήμερα ένα πρωτοποριακό σχέδιο δράσης για τη διεύρυνση των ευκαιριών εργασιακής απασχόλησης των προσφύγων. Στο έγγραφο δεν αποτυπώνονται μόνο οι προκλήσεις, οι ευκαιρίες και οι καλές πρακτικές για την ένταξη των προσφύγων […]
Homelessness is becoming an increasing issue for asylum-seekers in Cyprus
A disturbingly high number of asylum-seekers in Cyprus who have fled persecution and violence in their home countries are facing risk of homelessness, destitution and desperation because of critical shortcomings in the national asylum and reception policies.
UNHCR Desperate Journeys report provides snapshot of changing refugee movements to Europe
Despite a drop in the number of refugees and migrants reaching Europe last year, the dangers many face along the way have in some cases increased, according to a new report by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, setting out changing patterns of movement.
Innovative Refugee Outreach Volunteer Programme Creates Volunteer Opportunities for Refugees in Cyprus
Strong community outreach, communication with refugees and asylum-seekers and good information flow between UNHCR and the population of concern are key factors to facilitate appropriate UNHCR action in the exercise of its mandate. This is all the more challenging in an urban refugee situation like in Europe, where refugees and asylum-seekers are dispersed throughout the country. One innovative working model UNHCR has adopted is a Refugee Outreach Volunteer Programme that the Organization is aiming to implement in Cyprus as one of the few pilot countries.
Unaccompanied refugee children in Cyprus renew hope for the future through an innovative project
Renowned international Recording Artist, Alexia Vassiliou, works with unaccompanied and separated asylum-seeking children in Cyprus, in a series of creative experiential workshops, supported by UNHCR.
UNHCR and the KASA High School join forces for refugee education
The newly signed agreement creates education and skill-building opportunities for refugee youth who are in Cyprus, and is an affirmation of the importance of education as a basic human right that leads to empowerment and self-reliance.